Nope. I looked after mine and it still shat its head gasket. 135k isn't that many miles, certainly a lot less than our current pair.
No jealousy here. Trust me on that. Nothing stopping me owning another 306 beyond I don't want to and think my v70 is a better all round car.
Volvo V70 you haters are having a laugh now, wheres your driving spirit or maybe you don't have one
Do any haters here actually own a car that is marginally better than the 6?... No is the answer Golf GTI 280 bhp remap for fools that cant drive properly and will never be able to appreciate totally awesome chassis on the 6
Have you ever driven one? I doubt it.
And whilst owning my gti6 it had a rad, headgasket, bottom end went so new engine, crank pulley shat itself.
Drive a few more cars and then come back with an opinion
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