down under my foot pedals. I found them chewed on with teeth marks they looked kind of big. Also they had been left on my back seats in a carry bag and some how moved to the front. So I carried on with my day and loaded the boot with gifts and found huge rat s**t and a f**king big hole on my back seats to which the c**t had tried to get though between the parcel shelf and seats.
So I drove home while i was s**tting it waiting for a rat to jump out between my legs.
But nothing luckly.
So on my CHRISTMAS day I took all seats out and and interior bits out with a axe at hand and found nothing. So I got my little ones baby powder and shacked it all over the inside of the Car to see where the f**ker is coming out off.
Anyway two hours passed and I went to check if it had left any trails and it did.
They lead up under the boot light area.
Its a hole with a flap on it. Does anyone know where it's leads to?...