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Author Subject: police stalkers (do police love pulling a 306?)

Seasoned Pro

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Post #1
for the past 2 consecutive nights ive had a police car follow me from near the start of my estate all the way to my doorstep. only to turn around and drive off by the time ive gotten out of my vehicle. if this continues im not going to happy. being sad i still live at home and id rather not have it esculate to the kids who were bullied at school knocking on my door late at night and s**t stirring my mom into kicking me out etc

its been 6 years since i got busted for growing a weed and i had threatened that if i ever bring the police to my parents house again im out. i dont think itll come to that but i think you get where im coming from

its a standard 3 door light blue xsi. no frills,no bodykits, no taky chrome, no lexus lights,no blinging rims,no silly spoilers. standard boring naff car.

i drive well, i indicate, stick to the speed limit.......well thank god i was when these two rossers tailed me home (9 points aleady)

if any policemen read this can you please answer me one question. is every c**t you pull in a 306 as dodgey as me? Big grin

but seriously, does anyone else find a 306 attracts more unwanted legal attention than other cars?

any thoughts, solutions or funny stories etc are welcome


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Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 00:27

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Post #2
Stop selling drugs then LOL


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Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 00:30

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Post #3
LOL i put that before i even read the weed bit, i knew it LOL


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Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 00:31
stan_306gti6 Forum Admin

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Post #4
It's simple, you've got previous and they're just checking up on you once in a while. Yes


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Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 07:26

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Post #5
Your car has just been marked. Nothing you can do short of buying a new car
How about a nice drurbo? Smile
Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 07:36

Techno Viking

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Post #6
It's not your car, they do a PNC check, up comes your name and previous convictions.


Less than 24 hours to go!
Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 08:01
rikky Pikey

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Post #7
i took the greater manchester police through court cos one of them tried doing me for 62mph average in a 30 zone which was utter bo***cks, and the way in which i was pulled over was completely ridiculous and defied all logic. needless to say my solicitor tore the officer / force as whole to bits and i got off. weeks after this i was followed pretty much the same way. from leaving my house to going back to it. i know this as i would take specific journeys or detours when i saw them behind me and they'd follow me all the way back, then drive off. in the end i garaged the car permanently and bought another. this had the opposite effect - as the police then would let onto me and wave / flash at me because it turns out it was some big drug dealers old car! Erm?

(which was funny when i took all the interior and transmission tunnel out and found bags of weed hidden)


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Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 08:08

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Post #8
2 years rolling in a 20 year old lowered Five Series with wide wheels and not a sausage, 2 days in a standard GTi6 and I get tailed for 3 miles on a B-road by a T5...

I wouldn't mind but it ruined my fun taking corners like a knob!
Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 10:10

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Post #9
If i noticed that i was being followed by the Police for a couple of days, I would just stop and ask them what the crack is and why they are following me.


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Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 10:18

Techno Viking

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Post #10
TomGC wrote:
2 years rolling in a 20 year old lowered Five Series with wide wheels and not a sausage, 2 days in a standard GTi6 and I get tailed for 3 miles on a B-road by a T5...

I wouldn't mind but it ruined my fun taking corners like a knob!

You missed your opportunity to see if you could "have them in the twisties".


Less than 24 hours to go!
Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 10:20

aka JKshooter

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Post #11
TomGC wrote:
2 years rolling in a 20 year old lowered Five Series with wide wheels and not a sausage

Mine was Diamond Black with the black leather interior so at night it looked fairly dark through the windows. Got lots of unwanted attention in that thing. The amount of people that would rev up next to me at the lights got tiresome. I think it averaged out at 12mpg or something stupid so I sold it.

I do miss the noise of it and the ability to drive forwards looking through the side windows in the dry though.


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  • Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 10:22

    Seasoned Pro

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    Post #12
    I do epic mileage in mine every year and never been followed...that I noticed!

    There was that time when I sometimes like to engage in very rapid acceleration out of the toll gates at the dartford tunnel and a police car was sat in the corner, saw me and followed me thru and came up behind me on the other side...by this time I was cruising at 70, pulled over and let them past.....quite amusing


    ''Oh, it does handle like a golf!'' Why drive a Golf....when you can drive a GTi-6?
    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 10:38

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    Post #13
    ian7675 wrote:
    TomGC wrote:
    2 years rolling in a 20 year old lowered Five Series with wide wheels and not a sausage, 2 days in a standard GTi6 and I get tailed for 3 miles on a B-road by a T5...

    I wouldn't mind but it ruined my fun taking corners like a knob!

    You missed your opportunity to see if you could "have them in the twisties".

    I caught up with a paramedic on a call the other day, wasn't sure whether to feel embarrassed or overtake him.
    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 10:39

    Senior User

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    Post #14
    I've pm'd you mate. Don't worry too much about it Smile


    Cherry Rallye '99 - Sold
    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 10:55

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    Post #15
    Had 306's for 6 years now modded and standard and not been stopped. I had a mk3 escort for 6 months and got stopped 7 times! It's frustrating because if it got nicked they'd never find it. They'll get over it soon, just keep yourself out of trouble, or drive a 20mph to get them to pull u, they'll see your clean and leave u alone.


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    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 12:27

    Seasoned Pro

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    Post #16
    honestly3k wrote:
    I do epic mileage in mine every year and never been followed...that I noticed!

    There was that time when I sometimes like to engage in very rapid acceleration out of the toll gates at the dartford tunnel and a police car was sat in the corner, saw me and followed me thru and came up behind me on the other side...by this time I was cruising at 70, pulled over and let them past.....quite amusing

    Has to be done!!!

    Got pulled 3times in my blaze (bit boy racer looking) but in my china not once in 2 years. Once in Diablo so far but I was performing a drive by past a local school while smoking weed so not surprised. (Ok I took a roundabout a bit quick)


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    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 12:43
    rikky Pikey

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    Post #17
    i got pulled for fire coming out of my exhaust and i just denied all knowledge, "must be broke, i'll get a garage to look at it" (i said, dressed in mechanics overalls) LOL


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    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 12:45
    stan_306gti6 Forum Admin

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    Post #18
    Chris28190 wrote:
    I've pm'd you mate. Don't worry too much about it Smile

    A bit of inside information eh? Whistle


    "Supercharged - 454.1bhp/317.5lb/ft"
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    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 12:46
    stan_306gti6 Forum Admin

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    Post #19
    rikky wrote:
    i got pulled for fire coming out of my exhaust and i just denied all knowledge, "must be broke, i'll get a garage to look at it" (i said, dressed in mechanics overalls) LOL

    Laugh my ass off

    In my opinion there are only two people on this site who could get away with this...

    Yourself and Buzz...Yes Laugh


    "Supercharged - 454.1bhp/317.5lb/ft"
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    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 12:48
    rikky Pikey

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    Post #20
    also got pulled for "wearing my foglights like a fashion accessory" when it was genuinely foggy as f**k and couldn't see my own window

    and also pulled out of a main road turning right, clear traffic both ways.. blind bridge summit to my left but nothing there.. off i go. suddenly appearing in my rear view mirror was a riot van. no lights or siren etc, nothing. so then after tailgaiting me extremely close for about 100 yards he pulls me over. i never lose so i got out and before he could say a word i was right over in his window, convo went:

    me: "you were going way too f**king fast back there over that bridge".

    him: "uhm.. i could have been on call or responding to an emergency"

    me: "well you'd have your lights and/or siren on then wouldn't you?"

    him: "..... have you been drinking? let me smell your breath"

    me: <let him smell my breath, as requested>

    him: "where are you going?"

    me: "-> that way"

    him: "whose car is it?"

    me: "mine"

    him: "off you go"

    mad as a box of frogs


    306 rallye reproduction decals (full sets/individual decals) | 306 b-pillar textured vinyl weatherstrips
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    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 12:51
    rikky Pikey

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    Post #21
    i got pulled once for "trying to evade police capture" Laugh my ass off apparently

    went thru an amber light at a crossroad and a riot van was waiting for his turn to go. knew he'd pull me so just kept to the speed limit (40mph up a hill). he hadn't put his lights on so i had no reason to pull over. he struggled to get his van up the hill at 40mph like me so eventually when he put his lights and caught up on he pulled me over. i was in my blue gti6 with 3 mates and he asked why i was trying to evade capture Laugh my ass off and naturally i p**sed myself laughing (which wasn't the right thing to do). he then tells me i'll be banned from driving for jumping the light, and also for letting mymate turn the car off (i kept it running so heaters stayed hot)

    then they literally just left me there and disappeared into the night, slowly, up the remainder of the hill


    306 rallye reproduction decals (full sets/individual decals) | 306 b-pillar textured vinyl weatherstrips
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    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 12:56


    Location: Hayes

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    Post #22
    Wait so let me get this straight,

    The police are patrolling the estate where you live probably looking for burglars, robbers or car thieves and following cars that they see driving about in the early hours of the morning (id be suspicious of anyone driving about in the early hours without obvious good cause) while they conduct a check on the vehicle and when they see that your all legit they drive off and go and look sfor someone dodgy and thay havent stopped you or impeeded your journey in any way while they try and keep your estate safe?


    If so what the f**k are you moaning about?

    S163 of the RTA says the police can stop any vehicle on the road to check the drivers documents and trust me even police officers get pulled over while driving home from work. The simple fact is that if you dont want to get pulled over then dont drive. If you are comitting no offences then you have nothing to fear.

    Also whoever said that your car is marked and they can do a PNC check and find your previous convictions.

    a) if your last offence is 6 years ago and theres no current intel there wont be a marker on your car.

    Cool to do a PNC check you need a date of birth and it is bloody hard to gauge the age of a driver who drives past you in the dark so really theres little chance they are doing one.


    Bianca GTi6 on Gold wheels. Let the haters hate.
    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 13:21
    gnrlee Forum Admin

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    Post #23
    iv'e owned my car since Oct 2005
    and didn't get pulled once till last year since then i've been pulled 3/4 times given 2 producers
    and ad the car checked over i.e. tires etc
    no points or anything given but just a pain in the ass!


    Proud Member of the ASTOR Owners Club
    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 13:28

    Capt Pedantic

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    Post #24
    your car may have a marker, but they wont be doing a PNC, if its a traffic car it'll just ping automatically and give reasons to follow stop etc.


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    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 13:29
    rikky Pikey

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    Post #25
    do they still bother with producers?


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    winner of Extraction of toys from prams with outstanding vigour award 2009 [source: gti6 owners club]
    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 13:32

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