The organisers are putting the pressure on now as they have someone wanting the same date that is willing to book and pay for 50 places straight off.
Thread here: http://www.306gti6.com/forum/showthread.php?id=146569&page=8
1. Jeffers - Oulton ParkBOOKED
2. Ed - Oulton Park
3. CosKev-Oulton ParkBOOKED
4. Eddy_gti6 - Oulton ParkBOOKED
5. Chrisd306 - Oulton Park or Cadwell parkBOOKED
6. Rwgti - Cadwell Park
7. Hovis - Oulton ParkBOOKED
8. Ryangti6 - Oulton Park
9. 7057sam- Oulton park
10. Footah212 - Oulton Park
11 Paul09675 - Oulton Park
12. Cherry- oulton park or cadwell park
13. Mabgti - Oulton Park
14: cjm_harris - Oulton Park
15. Rallyeash - either
16. Pete - either
17. Craig - either
18. mike-oulton park
19. khj100 - either, with a mild preference for Cadwell
20. Prism7guy - Preference for Cadwell, will do Oulton.BOOKED
21. Clen666 - either (both 176 miles from mine!)
22. M1kee - either (both 200 miles ish from mine)BOOKED
23.T30RA-oulton park
24: buzzbrightyear- eitherBOOKED
25. Bigbadbowen (can anyone put me up for the night)
26. James - 106gti (eddy_gti6's mate) - oulton park
27. V6saloon - Cadwell - (oulton Park if i can get it off work, will confirm A.S.A.P.)
28. Nicky p (Jeffers mate comin from Aberdeen!) - Oulton Park
29. dhampton/Jim - Oulton Pork
30. Stevieput - either or. Won't be staying over tho but will have meal if there's one to be had.BOOKED
31. Russbez - Oulton Park, 840 miles round trip for me! Wants beers.
32. Ben306 - either
33. Smegal - Oulton Park
34. Asim - Oulton Park
35. Wongy - Oulton Park
36. Lee_gti6-Oulton ParkBOOKED
Red GTB1756 powered Fabia VRS daily driver,LBSC Gti6 eater........Mac1 ZR R1 kit car build in progress.