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Author Subject: Who banned Bob..............
roland rat

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Post #26
I reckon welly banned him as a final farwell! LOL
Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:24

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Post #27
yippeekayay wrote:
Also agree with smegal. I dealt with him a few times. He rises to other peoples bate as i have.

Thing is, this is often the case. Someone comes on with the wrong attitude, people wind them up, they get wound up so they get all angry and come across as a bad person, even if he's not. However, when people start getting aggressive, that's too far.

yippeekayay wrote:
Owain p**ses me off beyond belief

I p**s a lot of people off, no-one expects everyone to get along.

yippeekayay wrote:
especially when you know they've never been in a rugby front row for fear of breaking their pc

Ah, but you see it's *that*. How is that not you doing exactly the same thing? How do you know what these people are like? And what does having been in a rugby front row have to do with anything?! And how would you know if I have or not?

That's the reason Ryan and I had our amusing little tiff a while back, do you not see the irony in sitting in front of your computer typing "you stupid keyboard warriors, with your glasses and bellies and no friends and no girlfriend!"?

Edit: when I was at school I did actually play in the rugby front row, and never once did I consider it a risk to my PC. I'm truly baffled by that statement.


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Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:32

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Post #28
I just cant understand how it winds people up so much LOL
Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:35

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Post #29
anth wrote:
I just cant understand how it winds people up so much LOL

It's funny innit. Someone like Bob seems to imagine everyone else is shouting at their PCs and hitting the gym Rocky-style ready for some kind of brawl, when reality is they're probably sat at home watching telly with the wife and he's the one chewing his own face off in rage.


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Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:37
gnrlee Forum Admin

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Post #30
roland rat wrote:
I reckon welly banned him as a final farwell! LOL

No No welly would have broken the forum in the process! LOL

we so need a Christmas Party!


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Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:38
jeffers Forum Admin

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Post #31
I banned bob, for what I see as a legitimate reason. It is a temporary ban and his account will be unlocked when the time comes. His threatening aggressive and generally bad attitude was getting beyond the joke so I spoke to Stan and then took appropriate action. I just don't think there is a need to be threatening towards other members. Below is the post that made my mind up.

b11 bob wrote:
stan_306gti6 wrote:
I vote 19th August. Smile

Stan Since you are the official promoter 19th of August it is.The date is now set message to all you CYBERSPACE BIG MEN you are turning up at your own risk and you wont be able to hide behind your computers once there.Worth considering before you commit yourself from actually attending.Those of you who actually make it the tolerance to your comments in the REAL WORLD wil be met with zero tollerence i will not be taking any prisoners.So think about it carefully before you attend.
Midlife please dont read the above otherwise you may have a panic attacK and if you do attend call yourself maddriver9 because i promised him i will not beat him up if he came to Brum which has now been extended to include Santa Pod.Im sure if you ask maddriver9 nicely he will let you hold his hand but please if you do hold his hand dont start singing nursery rymes otherwise ill have to break my promise


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Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:40

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Post #32


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Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:42
gnrlee Forum Admin

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Post #33
see,.. told you it wasn't Welly! Razz


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Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:43

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Post #34
I agree, you should always be able to hold hands and sing nursery rhymes without fear of persecution


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Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:44

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Post #35
He doesn't like nursery rhymes ?


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Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:44
stan_306gti6 Forum Admin

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Post #36
owain wrote:

I'm glad you see it that way, so did we. Smile


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Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:45

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Post #37
owain wrote:
anth wrote:
I just cant understand how it winds people up so much LOL

It's funny innit. Someone like Bob seems to imagine everyone else is shouting at their PCs and hitting the gym Rocky-style ready for some kind of brawl, when reality is they're probably sat at home watching telly with the wife and he's the one chewing his own face off in rage.
i was assured by many you were a good guy despite our little tiff and did breath in and out and get over it. Just and this is just me pointing it out,and not a threat in any shape or form, be aware that you cant just say anything you wouldnt say face to face to everyone as not everyone can disassociate themselves from its only banter and there are nasty pasties out there... Bob threats were over the top in our society but out there on the street I wouldnt be quite so brash.

I know you played rugby...your fecking welsh.


306 less for first time in nearly 7 years. Lets keep it that way... please refuse any offers i make to buy your 306 ( doctors letter supplied by request)

Marmite and cheese sandwiches anyone???

Burns and Mcrae will be forever missed.
x box "yippeekayaymofo"
Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:48

aka JKshooter

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Post #38
I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the AGM.


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  • Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:49

    Capt Pedantic

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    Post #39
    coskev wrote:
    Who banned Bob..............

    they should get a medal, or something LOL


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    Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:54

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    Post #40
    yippeekayay wrote:
    Just and this is just me pointing it out,and not a threat in any shape or form, be aware that you cant just say anything you wouldnt say face to face

    No I get what you're saying completely, but I really don't think I do say things I wouldn't say in person. The problem tends to be more with people who just want to be told how amazing their car is, and can't take criticism so get angry about it. Or when people make it clear (as Bob did) that if you *did* give him your honest opinion face-to-face that he'd then punch you, at which point I'd probably just not bother.

    yippeekayay wrote:
    I know you played rugby...your fecking welsh.

    LOL Only a bit, born in England


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    Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:55

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    Post #41
    Lol... I wouldnt bother either .... I dont need a criminal record right now. Ironically so I can go and live in Australia and moan about the heat and the price of utes...peace owain...


    306 less for first time in nearly 7 years. Lets keep it that way... please refuse any offers i make to buy your 306 ( doctors letter supplied by request)

    Marmite and cheese sandwiches anyone???

    Burns and Mcrae will be forever missed.
    x box "yippeekayaymofo"
    Posted 3rd May 2012 at 11:58

    aka JKshooter

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    Post #42
    I would amost be tempted to receive a punch from him for the LOLs though.


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  • Posted 3rd May 2012 at 12:05

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    Post #43
    Now theres a plan and can he pretend you are jkshooter from me!


    306 less for first time in nearly 7 years. Lets keep it that way... please refuse any offers i make to buy your 306 ( doctors letter supplied by request)

    Marmite and cheese sandwiches anyone???

    Burns and Mcrae will be forever missed.
    x box "yippeekayaymofo"
    Posted 3rd May 2012 at 12:10

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    Post #44
    He kept having a go at me just because I told him his posts were overly aggressiveDunno
    Perhaps when he cools down and looks at what he has posted he may come back with a different attitudeDunno
    Did you know that the reg B11BOB belongs to a red Honda Civic DieselLaugh my ass off



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    Posted 3rd May 2012 at 12:11

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    Post #45
    With 300 hp


    306 less for first time in nearly 7 years. Lets keep it that way... please refuse any offers i make to buy your 306 ( doctors letter supplied by request)

    Marmite and cheese sandwiches anyone???

    Burns and Mcrae will be forever missed.
    x box "yippeekayaymofo"
    Posted 3rd May 2012 at 12:13
    stan_306gti6 Forum Admin

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    Post #46
    midlife wrote:
    Did you know that the reg B11BOB belongs to a red Honda Civic DieselLaugh my ass off

    It also comes up as uninsured. Yes LOL


    "Supercharged - 454.1bhp/317.5lb/ft"
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    Posted 3rd May 2012 at 12:15

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    Post #47
    dangti6 wrote:
    I would amost be tempted to receive a punch from him for the LOLs though.

    Can you imagine right, say this big Santa Pod event did actually happen. Loads of people turn up, everyone's having a good time but Bob's actually this psycho murderer who goes nuts and starts beating the s**t out of everyone, and the whole thing just turns to complete carnage.

    First post back in General - "Wow, that really got outta hand fast!"

    Or the two cars are lined up ready to go on the start line, then Bob's Mods ™ go wrong and his whole car explodes in a massive fireball. Everyone just looks at each other awkwardly, gathers their things up silently and leaves, and we never talk about it again.


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    Posted 3rd May 2012 at 12:23

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    Post #48
    Good riddance. The guy was annoying, made an enjoyable thread though.


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    Posted 3rd May 2012 at 12:29

    aka JKshooter

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    Post #49
    owain wrote:
    dangti6 wrote:
    I would amost be tempted to receive a punch from him for the LOLs though.

    Can you imagine right, say this big Santa Pod event did actually happen. Loads of people turn up, everyone's having a good time but Bob's actually this psycho murderer who goes nuts and starts beating the s**t out of everyone, and the whole thing just turns to complete carnage.

    First post back in General - "Wow, that really got outta hand fast!"

    Or the two cars are lined up ready to go on the start line, then Bob's Mods ™ go wrong and his whole car explodes in a massive fireball. Everyone just looks at each other awkwardly, gathers their things up silently and leaves, and we never talk about it again.

    I do believe that the Crackdown video game series was based on B0b.


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  • Posted 3rd May 2012 at 12:34

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    Post #50
    or as they set off down the strip the milk float........


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    Posted 3rd May 2012 at 12:47

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