Post #31
My old 6 had a map sensor issue which gave stalling issues, I lived with it for 6 months
As for savings, I have some, not especially vast now from the £18k that it was when I was 18, but since then I've moved into a new property, got married, had a child, got divorced, moved out of the property, changed jobs (pay cut of £11k a year), battled alcoholism (and won
), crashed a 6, replaced it with another and various other things which are annoying. The fact I have any savings left is a miracle, and the reason I'm overdrawn and not using savings is that I can only access it once a year.
Perhaps I will get bored with a charged 6. But I've had many cars and bikes since 2009, some of which were VERY high performance, and I always liked my 6 best. Only now, years down the line am I craving more power from my trusty pug.
I'm sure I'd love it.
That said, dan you have a point. I'm thinking of buying a fiat punto 1.2 sporting and using that for the next year or so while I save up, that or just keep my 6. When I've sorted out the things higher in the priority list then ill get a low boost 6
2005 Peugeot 206 GTI 180
2008 BMW K1200R