Post #43
First up, apologies for the massive post but I now have to make all the same points I would've made without a ban, but now in one long, tedious, difficult to read lump. So great, another win for the banhammer.
So after several days of sitting in the corner of a room, shaking and crying, not knowing what to do with myself, I've had some time to contemplate my innermost feelings, and I feel I now have a better, more positive attitude towards the club.
Right, let's get started.
stan_306gti6 wrote:"Forum Admin" is a user, not a duplicate account of one of us. They work alongside us, that's all.
Do you honestly expect people to believe that? That it's some secret guy who gets called in to do the banning? How stupid do you think everyone on here is? I'm actually quite offended that you expect people to believe that. If you lot are going to go around banning people, at least have the balls to say you've done it.
stan_306gti6 wrote:People aren't banned because of a personal issue with them.
Oh really?
captainash wrote:I honestly don’t know what you think you’re going to accomplish by repeatedly insulting me. Now to top it off, you’re making comments about my family.
Sounds pretty personal to me. To quote Eliotrw, "That ban was about as personal as a ban can get".
stan_306gti6 wrote:It is possible to ban people without warning. You may get 3 points and fine for speeding in your car before you eventually get banned, however if you were caught at 150mph then you would most likely get an instant ban, without warning. There is no difference
There *is* a difference Stan, one is the law, the other is a little car forum.
captainash wrote:I have metaphorically sent Owain home to metaphorically sober up. Hopefully when he comes back he'll have a slightly more positive attitude towards this club.
I think this one really highlights many issues here. Firstly, Ash would not be the barman in this metaphor. He is not the guy who's paid the minimum wage to sit around taking abuse from the paying punters, he's the bar owner who swans in once a month in a cheap suit and kicks someone out because he complained about the poor selection of crisps.
The fact that Ash thinks that banning people will make them sit contemplating their lives before coming crawling back apologising really says a lot I think, I just don't think he gets how it is at all. Do you think that's what happens when someone's banned? Do you think they sit crying in a corner, all regretful? Or do you just think it makes their points look even more spot on and add more fuel to the fire?
ryangti6 wrote:All the times Owain used to be a nob
I'd forgotten about that, we should definitely bring that back.
You're a good example actually Ryan - you and I have had some heated disagreements in the past but y'know what, who cares? There have been other threads where we've then both contributed to the cause together, I wish you no ill whatsoever because *no-one cares*. Neither of us went crying to admins trying to get the other banned, even whilst calling each other nasty names we respected that the other one had a right to be doing so, no-one ever questioned that, no-one resented the other for replying, and that's how a forum should be. So it seems members can be trusted to be grown up and sort out their own personal issues, but admins cannot.
stan_306gti6 wrote:I think Chris has the best advice on this occasion
Stan, I don't get this - on one hand you sit sticking up for Ash far more than he deserves, on the other you say "well screw you if you don't like it, get out", an attitude Ash tried to get across in your Moderators briefing, no doubt. It just seems a bit weird.
rich306 wrote:Am i the only one on here who doesn't care if he's making a profit on here?
You misunderstand, as has been mentioned by someone no, no-one minds that. He's not making a fortune by any means and no-one would resent it *if* he spent more than ten minutes a month on it, whereas since he started making money he's spent less and less time, and when he does come on here, it's almost always to insult me and break something.
It's a business, that's fine, I get that. However, once you make that decision to run it as a business as Ash did a couple of years ago, you need to put on your business hat - fine, it needs better hosting so needs money in. Great, we'll charge £20 a year and have multiple membership levels. Didn't really work as a concept, too complicated, the levels weren't well thought out, so changed to a flat-fee £5 membership. Much better business decision, far simpler, good.
However what I don't get is that if it's now a business, you need customers. Your customers *are* your business and they *are* your income, so why would you be so intent in getting rid of as many of them as possible? If the site was well-maintained, bug fixes were done quickly and people were listened to I'd have gotten several mates and car people I know to join up just to partake in the chat, which would've been free money for Ash. I don't get the impression many people go around citing this place as a great place to hang out anymore though. Spending a bit of time on the site every now and again just to show your face and tell people they're being listened to, much better business decision.
So in his monthly check-up the other day, did Ash comment on the "Forum software upgrade to be in line with other sites" thread? Did he say either "yeah guys, this sounds good, I'll try and spend some time thinking about it" or even just "Na, to be honest guys I don't have the time for this", either would have been fine, and a good business decision.
However he chose to just ignore it, making people feel undervalued yet again. It was a genuine thread with some good genuine points, but Ash can't even be bothered to tag on a reply. Apart from the lack of common decency and manners, that's a bad businessman.
Why not just drop the Feedback section altogether? Clearly Ash isn't interested in it, so why let everyone waste their time?
stan_306gti6 wrote:Where exactly would these members go then?
The people who are complaining seem to spend an awful lot of time here, therefore if there was a better forum out there that was free to use etc why haven't people already left and gone there?
If I had the time, I would've written one by now. Just a good, simple forum for people with an interest in the car or just to chat. And if I did, I'd make sure it was blatently obvious if a post had been edited or deleted by a moderator, and I'd make sure the people looking after it had an eye kept on them too. "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?", I believe the phrase is. Maybe I will one day, registed interest now for The only reason it'll probably never happen is because by the time I got round to it, everyone will have bailed from this site and I'll have no way of contacting them.
The most enjoyable part of this site for me now is a handful of people who entertain me, very rarely now do I need to know things about a car. It's a laugh, and I'll happily pay £5 a year to be entertained by some people I don't really know and pass some time. I can't speak for others, but the reason I don't go elsewhere is because largely we have this place to ourselves. There are so few people left that it's actually quite easy to have a good discussion with people without finding 50 posts of "lol" between the one you're replying to and your own.
stan_306gti6 wrote:I've been here nearly 9 years and I can tell you in that time as well as enjoying this great community for what it is and meeting and befriending loads of great people including Ash himself
Mate, honestly, this needs to stop because it's getting embarrassing. If you think you and Ash are friends, you're living in a dream world. He's using you to run his forum and keep the money coming in, I bet he rolled about laughing the day people started volunteering to take the flack on his behalf. You seem like a decent, reasonable guy, which is why I cannot understand why you always stick up for him so much, and now it seems are becoming part of the whole weird machine where you just lie to your customers (quite clearly as well, not even good lies) and stick up for each other in your weird little admin club. You think you're friends, he logged on and immediately told everyone you hadn't bothered contacting him, making you look like a liar. Good friend.
It's just getting a bit cringeworthy to watch to be honest, everyone knows exactly what's going on and I don't think people really understand why it's happening.
Also, I noticed another little gem yesterday. Mr jcphat offered up some advice, and got this reply from Ash, our ever-friendly führer:
captainash wrote:Thank you or your expert input
So someone gives their opinion, and is immediately belittled. Nice one.
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