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Author Subject: police stalkers (do police love pulling a 306?)
stan_306gti6 Forum Admin

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Post #76
welshpug! wrote:
fark who let the numpy in LOL


Another Ban


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Posted 18th Nov 2012 at 14:49

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Post #77
stan_306gti6 wrote:
There won't be many left soon with all these cuts to the public sector etc. Thumbs up

Not if recruitment of Specials pick up Ninja


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Posted 18th Nov 2012 at 14:55
stan_306gti6 Forum Admin

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Post #78
Well yes, this is true.

I must admit though, in years gone by you couldn't leave the house and go for a drive without seeing at LEAST a couple of police cars on your travels.
These days, I still see them but very rarely and they are very few and far between. Yes


"Supercharged - 454.1bhp/317.5lb/ft"
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Posted 18th Nov 2012 at 14:58

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Post #79
It's a similar story with the Territorial Army too, reducing the number of regulars and making up the shortfall by doubling the size of the reserves.

I really can't imagine why this country has so little money. I mean I'm sure it has nothing to do with all the billions of £££'s spent on two wars in the last decade...but that's a story for another day.


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Posted 18th Nov 2012 at 15:09

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Post #80
Chris28190 wrote:
Not if recruitment of Specials pick up Ninja

Mate of mine has been a Special (chortle) for over four years now, the amount of times he has been promised a real job and even been given a date to start training is unreal. He has the patience of a saint...

Back on topic, I was collared by campus security yesterday for taking a roundabout on three wheels. Yes I was going too fast, but his argument was that I was 'lucky not to hit the security barrier', which I know is there and had fixed my gaze on from the exit of the roundabout. I rolled up to it (and him) at walking pace!
Posted 18th Nov 2012 at 15:21

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Post #81
Ive got nothing against police at all...if you keep your car legal and behave most of the time i see no reason why you wouldnt have the time of day for them etc but while i was in communication with them over the clocked car i bought earlier this year they asked me for my d.o.b. when i asked why they said because it was easier for them to 'look me up' while they were in contact with me for other reasons...like im a wanted master criminal or something LOL


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Posted 18th Nov 2012 at 15:22

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Post #82
i have a lot against the police. with good reason. but im still polite within reason, i understand the whole act like a criminal get treated like a criminal. from my experience there all just out to spoil fun.

e.g. my and my friends ask a land owner if its ok to use his fields for our dirt bikes, he says yes thats fine. after using the fields soundly for 6 months (no complaints as theres no one around to complain) then a female plod randomly comes along, promplty tells us to stop. and the short of it was she rang up the farmer screwed at him. and scared him into telling us were not allowed there anymore.

i mean common we do eveything right/legally and we still get f**ked over

ive met one sound copper in my life. that was fireworks night last year. this is how the conversation went
cop. what are you upto lads?
me. were going to sett off fireworks in the middle of nowhere (shows plod fireworks)
cop. we that good that youve come to the middle of nowhere, have you got any duct tape? (laughs)
me. (laughs)
cop. sorry lads that my childish side coming out, ignore me carry on
me. thanks bye officer

other than that one occasion. ive had my weed plants taken, forcing me to go and give money to criminals for s**t drugs. i ended up with 9 points and if it wasnt for my lawyer the police officer with a vendetata against me would of had my license. either way it still resulted in me losing my job.
7 years ago our group got moved on from our usual stop in the park at about 9pm. a girl was gang raped in that park later that night, near where we would of been.

the last points a bit abstract, but it annoyed me. numerous other little incidents have happened which can all be encompassed by me minding my own buissness then im being prayed upon by a copper with a slow day.

if i had a geenie, id wish for bernards watch. stop time then bin them mr bean style and promptly make my gettaway


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Posted 20th Nov 2012 at 22:41

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Post #83
oh yeah heres another thing a cop did to make me hate them.

we have a barbeque in our local park. we know the park warden hes sound, he came up half way through and had a beer and a burger, said carry on and that hes fine with it. said he doent give a f**k cuz he knows we'll bin the rubbish

next thing we know 2 fire engines and a police car turn up. and 2 officers leg it across the field to us screamign stop, halt etc. we then get a lecture about how this is a smoke free zone blah blah blah. the firemen get there eventually (they walked) and know the score and tbh dont look bothered. untill one was aburptly ordered to put out the fire by a cop.

one stomp with a boot and our disposable bbq was gone. more lectures about how much this cost someone could of died in a fire now becuase you wasted our time etc etc. they f**ked off

and the parks wardens words were "c**ts, thank f**k they didnt recognise me as the park warden"


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Posted 20th Nov 2012 at 22:51

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Post #84
you do weed, you makes your choices, and got caught, its illegal, end of...


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Marmite and cheese sandwiches anyone???

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Posted 20th Nov 2012 at 22:56

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Post #85
That seems far too much to bother reading, hope it works out for you.


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Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 00:11

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Post #86
Jimmy didn't you have a thread about you being unsociable? Sounds like you have a good social life, even if you are breaking the law at every encounter LOL Carry on if it suits you though Thumbs up

Tbh I've done some of the things you stated above, don't think I would say I hate cops for doing their jobs Dunno


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Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 01:20

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Post #87
jimmyhackers wrote:
oh yeah heres another thing a cop did to make me hate them.

we have a barbeque in our local park. we know the park warden hes sound, he came up half way through and had a beer and a burger, said carry on and that hes fine with it. said he doent give a f**k cuz he knows we'll bin the rubbish

next thing we know 2 fire engines and a police car turn up. and 2 officers leg it across the field to us screamign stop, halt etc. we then get a lecture about how this is a smoke free zone blah blah blah. the firemen get there eventually (they walked) and know the score and tbh dont look bothered. untill one was aburptly ordered to put out the fire by a cop.

one stomp with a boot and our disposable bbq was gone. more lectures about how much this cost someone could of died in a fire now becuase you wasted our time etc etc. they f**ked off

and the parks wardens words were "c**ts, thank f**k they didnt recognise me as the park warden"

Do you know what makes me laugh about this?

There are rules that are there for Society (yes a admit there are a few silly ones)the point is; why set it up in a smoke free zone when there are plenty of other places you could do it and not get in trouble i.e. home?!

A majority of kids/chavs/testicles/twats hanging around your local co-op causing trouble, have been brought up by their parents to not understand the values and standards. (i.e. Respect, Honesty etc...)

These days it's more fun for them to cause trouble, hassle old people and trash other peoples possessions instead of much better 'legal' things to do.


Richies Project Rallye

Electrical work carried out in Portsmouth

jamiek_uk2000 wrote:
You'll need to throw money at the car. Not on parts. Just stand near your car and throw loose change at it, I find this increases performance for a short period of time
- Top Tip!!!
Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 07:29

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Post #88
Sounds like all he did was p**s on your chips. I'd grow up, grow a set and crack on without bleating to all that will listen about their issue with you.
Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 11:50
rikky Pikey

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Post #89
remind me never to post any of the stupid stuff i did in my last 15 years or so! i'd have hell to pay off you lot


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Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 11:52

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Post #90
rikky wrote:
remind me never to post any of the stupid stuff i did in my last 15 years or so! i'd have hell to pay off you lot

Didnt you once belch the word 'f**k' in a policemans face?
Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 12:49
stan_306gti6 Forum Admin

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Post #91
jsoulman wrote:
rikky wrote:
remind me never to post any of the stupid stuff i did in my last 15 years or so! i'd have hell to pay off you lot

Didnt you once belch the word 'f**k' in a policemans face?

Laugh my ass off if that's true...


"Supercharged - 454.1bhp/317.5lb/ft"
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Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 14:07

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Post #92
I remember you saying you purposely ate 3 packets of cheese and onion crisps and then belched the word 'f**k' in a policemans face.

By all means, its sounds like you have had a grand adventure in your life time. My favourite story was the umbrella one because thats actually a really funny idea.
Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 15:50
rikky Pikey

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Post #93
i don't like cheese and onion crisps


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Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 15:53

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Post #94
Laugh my ass off

Jesus rikky, looks like you've had some fun mate!


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Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 15:53

Techno Viking

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Post #95
The one with the knife and scream mask made me laugh out loud Laugh my ass off


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Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 15:53
rikky Pikey

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Post #96
i couldn't be arsed in school, i knew enough to teach the teachers in I.T. class and only paid attention in graphics and art. everything else (sounds daft) i knew and can do effortlessly. i wasn't dumb or anything, i could add up no problem and spell anything without problem. i could rap circles around the teachers at computers. i was building them when i was 12 and they wanted to teach me how to use MS Word when i was 15. i was writing software for taxi companies when i was 14. i knew what they were teaching me. 'just another stupid kid who won't listen or be tought' Roll eyes get a grip plz

so that was why i was out fannying about in the nights and messing with electrics and sussing stuff out

i'm from a nice background too but just got in with some dodgy people but wouldn't change anything for the world

still, nothing drug related like jimmyhackers here LOL

f**k it i've been battered, in a coma, been ran over, ran someone over myself, broke every bone in my body been thrown out of school been allowed back in school, been to 10 countries and got a mafia boss in Czech Republic to buy me and 10 mates beer all night cos i was not arsed. you only live once FTW only one run round this track so to speak

would probably pay more attention in school but i'd still be sat in my garage messing with peugeots given the choice


306 rallye reproduction decals (full sets/individual decals) | 306 b-pillar textured vinyl weatherstrips
306 slam panel esso stickers | 306 yellow / orange / pension fund red side door badges
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Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 16:05

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Post #97
Life is pointless, may as well do as much stupid random s**te as possible and then when youve had enough die.
Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 16:19

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Post #98
did you get the 9 points from the 30mph accident when your engine was 900 yards down the road from the car and in 45 pieces Laugh my ass off ?
jimmyhackers wrote:
thanks for the stories. i had a clean license of 5 years untill a c**t of a lorry driver c**ted me over, then an extra c**tish police officer made it his mission to get me off the road, hence the 9 points instead of a year ban (go lawyers!!!). i am a responsible and safe driver.

and as irony had it, they followed me home last night....again. this time (2am) from the same area but they moved on from a group of about 6 lads down my estate. i did say something this time.

it went along the lines of, ok right officer.....you know i live here this is the third time youve followed me home. between a bunch of drunk/stoned skallies and a resident of this estate for 24 years, who do you really think is upto no good? and if your still saying me i want to know why exactly?

his response was there under age so theres not a lot i can do, im following you becuase you could be part of their group :S

i mean common seriously.......ffs......i pay my taxes so the police can get scared off by a bunch of skallies and come after me instead. i felt like offering to show him antisocial behaviour/loitering should be handled

with a baseball bat and some f**king balls.


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Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 17:50

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Post #99
ballardpaul wrote:
To be fair I would expect to be followed whenever I'm driving at 2am. Just incrediably late to be driving anywhere, not that I'm saying you can't.

some people go to work at that time, only stupid people though.


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Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 17:52

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Post #100
your drive/garden is not private property, its public. the postman walks upit, so do couriers, newspaper deliveries eg.
when your banned you cant even drive the car on your own drive for them reasons, because its public.
also if he had arrested you for the public order offence of swearing, this automatically gives them the right to enter and search your property without a warrant, just the desk seargents signature, sometimes they dont even need that.
anyone in custody is susceptable to having there property searched without a court warrant just a signiture.

Puggie wrote:
ian7675 wrote:
If you told him to "f**k off" then you're very lucky to have not been arrested. By saying that you gave him the green light to enter your property and so on...You probably think he was being a knob but count your lucky stars he actually let you off there instead of being smarmy about it.

private property son not a f**king thing he cud do about it Wink and no real reason to pull me other than being a cock and no reason to enter my property. oh and the small issue of my cousin being a solicitor that deal's with traffic related issues. it was about 10 years ago Thumbs up

not a lot he could do anyway with three witnesses standing behind me as he was on his own Shifty


Moonstone phase 7 gti6
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Posted 21st Nov 2012 at 18:00

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