Post #1
Servicebox is a fairly new official peugeot dealer tool that is used for a lot of things, including part location. Recently this was launched in both main dealers and the internet.Members of the public are allowed to register and use some of the services.
The url for this site is
This site requires internet explorer 5.5 or higher or equivolent browser. It uses pop ups so any pop up blocker must be disabled for this url.
To help the registation process, first select English on the language selection bar to the upper right of this window, where it says French
Below the login box, click once on "Register"
This will take you to the first page of creating your account. Click the radio box next to Private individual and then click confirm.
Enter your name, contact details, and choose a password. Bear in mind you may need to select Grande-Bretangne for your country (another language bug). You have to confirm both your email and password by typing twice. You must enter the correct email address as it mails your login credentials here. You do not need to enter your phone number. Click confirm when done.
It then reviews your account details. Check they are OK and click confirm.
Finally this screen is displayed to confirm the account is created. I forgot to take a screenshot of the new look finished page but its not a lot different to the old one. Note the line that your account details have been mailed. Click "Return to the home page" (or whatever the wording is now on the link below your details!).
Check your email for login credentials. Again, now in french
Enter your username and password on the login page.
Finding Parts
So you are logged in to servicebox.
This has now slightly changed - but only in appearance. Along the top bar, hover over free services and the sub menu will appear beneath it. Select "Spare Parts documentation"
Note: Usage of the website is exaclty the same as the old FAQ apart from if you leave yourself logged in not doing anything it pops up to say you are going to get logged out due to inactivity.
A pop up window should appear with a list of peugeot models. You can browse from here by clicking on the desired model or enter your VIN in the white box in the blue bar to look at parts specific to your car.
In this example im going to look for an old favorite - the hockey stick clip for a 306 (why not!)
You will be presented with an exploded diagram of the car. There are other ways to search for your part; there is a tab for "Location" and "Searches". Location is basically a non-graphical version of the exploded diagram. Searches is kind of useless as Peugeot's part descriptions are appauling as you will see.
So click on the picture part of the car that you think this part will be in. If you hover the mouse over an area, a tooltip will pop up.
In this case - "Body Shell - front (general)"
This drills down to an exploded drawing of the area you just clicked on. If your part still isnt in the picture, there is a row of icons below the exploded drawing for nearby and related parts so it will probably be one of those instead. If you are totally in the wrong bal park, you can click the up arrow to go up one level.
Again, hovering over parts brings up tool tips. We are looking for "Front Grille Trim" (the red circle). Click once on this and it changes the bottom of the page to list relevant areas to the area you clicked on. If you are just browsing parts without VIN number, then it will bring up details related to all models of the 306 so you will now need to identify your car from the list. If you have entered your VIN number then all details will be related to your car only.
Double click on "RADIATOR GRILLE - 3 DOOR"
This opens a more specific exploded diagram of the area of the car you selected, with a key to the diagram on the right of the picture with part numbers
To find out the price for this item, identify from the picture which part you require, and then double click the line in the key corresponding to this. You will probably notice in the window behind, that the part number has been added under the basket
On the other web page, click on the basket icon (circled red). This will show you the part number, description (!) and the price both with and without VAT.
To exit the shopping cart and go back to the exploded diagram, click the little book icon (circled red).
*edit* at the moment this icon seems to have vanished but you can get back by going to free services -> spare parts documentation again
Other things to do
Explore! Mess about! Much of the site is still in french but you can view handbooks in english and look at some stupidly in depth information about your car (click "Characteristics" after entering your VIN)
I also just noticed that if you dont select anything and click on the shopping basket, it shows you all the items you've recently looked at!
It seems that servicebox have been messing about doing a couple of changes to this site and have defaulted everyone to French language. Even if you newly registered and selected english!
Click on "Mon Profil" towards the top right of the screen
Use the drop down box to select Anglair. If it is not there (due to the language being really messed up, seems to pick a random language here - this isnt even french!), select the first language and press the down arrow key until you see the union jack.
Then click Valider and the site will be back in English again.