Post #11
I had a quick look in the ports and didn't see any big lumps to worry about so I think I'll just leave them as-is.
I might have a go at clearing the coke out of the exhaust ports though, is there any chemicals that are effective at this or will most solvents be up to the job?
Where abouts is the bit where you're meant to see how much life the head has left in it after a skim? I had a quick look at the face of the head and it looks like some of the valves may sit proud of the face which I don't remember seeing on my previous head so I'm thinking this one may have been done before, is there a known measurement between the face and somewhere to check how much has been taken off in the past?
I'm pretty sure I got a head gasket kit from the engine builders last time which included a head gasket, exhaust gasket, inlet gasket, thermostat gasket and maybe some others, made by payen from memory. I might see whether they do that but with a thicker head gasket to help compensate for the head skim, do these repair gaskets come in mls or are they fibre?
Which head bolts are considered better, with a female torx head or male torx head?
I'm a little concerned about the timing of the engine, I pinned the cams but the crank didn't line up with the block. The pin in the crank pulley was slightly too far anticlockwise to go into the locking part on the block, but I removed the head without that pinned as it was very unlikely for the crank to rotate anywhere near enough for any piston-valve collisions. Once the head was off the Pistons were a few mm different to the deck.
One other question, I removed the cams from the head before I took the head off to eliminate the possibility of catching any valves once I had the head off, I left the pin in the pullies and undid the 18mm bolt that locks the pulley to the cam, once the bolt was out and I started pulling the pulley off the cam turned slightly due to the fact that some of the valves were part open, I'm guessing there isnt much chance of any valve-valve contact during that small movement? From memory it was cylinder 3 that had the inlet valves opened slightly so they must have closed during the spin.
Goldie the track car.