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Author Subject: Alloy Crank Pulley / bottom pulley


Location: Varazdin

Registered: 07 Oct 2013

Posts: 28

Status: Offline

Post #1
We produce aluminum pulleys, here examples that I made myself(for my car), the pictures are original weight and facilitated aluminum. They are made from hardened aluminum. One for bottom and secend for alternator.

Bottom pulley 60 GBP posted
Alternator pulley 30 GBP posted
Together 80 GBP posted

Location: Croatia

Payment method: only paypal

Posted 19th Apr 2015 at 21:44


Location: ljungskile

Registered: 27 Jan 2014

Posts: 16

Status: Offline

Post #2
i hope you get sold these pullys Smile just bought one last week in aluminium.


heyhey Smile love 306 its the best and most fun car i ever driven.
Posted 22nd Apr 2015 at 10:48


Location: Sofia,Bulgaria

Registered: 06 Aug 2012

Posts: 265

Status: Offline

Post #3
Hm, my one looks different.Can you make the right one for me?

Posted 22nd Apr 2015 at 21:22


Location: Varazdin

Registered: 07 Oct 2013

Posts: 28

Status: Offline

Post #4
I can Wink just send me PM with mesurments Wink

i am selling my bottom pulley because i sold the car,the pulley has only 3000 km,40 gbp + shiping Wink
Posted 23rd Aug 2015 at 13:29


Location: Varazdin

Registered: 07 Oct 2013

Posts: 28

Status: Offline

Post #5

This is my pulley,used 3000 km,35 + 10 shiping
Posted 13th Sep 2015 at 09:10

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