So i set out to remove the stanard HU and then as i'm in the car the Ex starts texting about how this is the worst year or her life/s**ttiest Christmas. That she at least put some effort in. Etc And basically re-hashes every argument we've had and still have even though we're split up.
Now in hindsight i should have just ignored her and put the phone away and continued on working out how to do what i was doing. But...............
Instead i text her back and the battle ensued (she normally wins because like most women they have an amazing ability to recall everything in detail) and continued working on the car. Short version is the is that miss fekking super passing aggressive (honestly she's olympic standard) got me so p**sed off i broke my trim tools and facia off the standard Pug unit.
Not the end of the world i guess as i'm going to get a new HU but i feel kinda bad as it's sat there 16 years years doing it job perfectly well and did no harm to anyone. And i kinda liked the standard look. I even know the code for the unit as it was tyed and kept carefully by the previous owner in the glove box.
Even stupider now that the thing is in bits is that i still have some CD's in the changer in the boot.
The only upside is that the HU sounds brilliant. I'll need to play about a bit more tomorrow when i'm less harassed! Weird in that in my professional life, things like that bounce off me. But personally...........argggghhhh.
But lesson learned. I should not go anywhere near the 6 unless i give it my full attention and especially not when the Ex is texting me!
Need a beer or 10..............
Happy Boxing day!
Turned 40 and in true cliched fashion buying one of the cars of my teenage dreams!