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Author Subject: cars scrapped, but i still own it :S

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Post #1
bit of a weird one here, not quite sure how to go about it

my very first pug 306 1.4, was taken away by a scrap man along with what remained of my crashed gti at the start of this year. the v5 for my 1.4 was sent off. the v5 for my gti was in the insurance companies hands already as it was a cat b writeoff

the dvla contacted me a few days later to confirm both cars were scrapped/declared scrapped, they said yeah sure their on our system dont worry.

anyways, ive recieved today a letter from the dvla asking me to tax or re-sorn my 1.4 306?????

its too late to ring them up today but im wondering if anyone can shed some light on this?
i dont want to be landed with a hefty bill etc

any advice would be appreciated.



the world is changed by people in sheds
Posted 6th Nov 2012 at 17:47

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Post #2
write scrapped in big letters over the reminder and post it back to them with a note explaining the situation
Posted 6th Nov 2012 at 17:54

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Post #3
^ pretty much its an automated thing and they probably have not told the computer its been scraped therefore being sent a tax reminder. We dont pay enough tax for them to push buttons on a comp duurrr


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Posted 6th Nov 2012 at 18:01

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Post #4
If the car has been scrapped and the DVLA have already told you that it's on the system as such, then this is an automated letter that gets sent out. If i remember rightly, somewhere on the letter it will state you can ignore this letter if changes have been made


Richies Project Rallye

Electrical work carried out in Portsmouth

jamiek_uk2000 wrote:
You'll need to throw money at the car. Not on parts. Just stand near your car and throw loose change at it, I find this increases performance for a short period of time
- Top Tip!!!
Posted 6th Nov 2012 at 19:44
stan_306gti6 Forum Admin

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Post #5
rich306 wrote:
If the car has been scrapped and the DVLA have already told you that it's on the system as such, then this is an automated letter that gets sent out. If i remember rightly, somewhere on the letter it will state you can ignore this letter if changes have been made

This is true, but it states that the letters are automated up to 6 weeks in advance. So the question is, how long ago did all this happen? Dunno


"Supercharged - 454.1bhp/317.5lb/ft"
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Posted 6th Nov 2012 at 20:02
rikky Pikey

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Post #6
this could ONLY happen to jimmyhackers. nobody else.


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Posted 6th Nov 2012 at 20:17
rikky Pikey

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Post #7
why don't you make a particle collider which smashes DVLA letters to bits upon receiving them and convert the energy into light


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306 slam panel esso stickers | 306 yellow / orange / pension fund red side door badges
gti6 inlet manifold badges | 306 rear boot badges (p2/p3)
winner of Extraction of toys from prams with outstanding vigour award 2009 [source: gti6 owners club]
Posted 6th Nov 2012 at 20:18

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Post #8
rikky wrote:
this could ONLY happen to jimmyhackers. nobody else.

I always think of Jimmy fingers from marked for death whenever I see a post from him.


Black X Reg PIII.VGTi 6 A4212 pt 1 A4212 pt 2 Searching the streets of Bristol for 1.36p/day.

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Posted 6th Nov 2012 at 20:34
stan_306gti6 Forum Admin

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Post #9
rikky wrote:
why don't you make a particle collider which smashes DVLA letters to bits upon receiving them and convert the energy into light


I was thinking something along the lines of this too. Yes

Getting a tax reminder from the DVLA seems like something an average Joe would have experienced, but a bit of a lacklustre day for our club scientist here...Laugh


"Supercharged - 454.1bhp/317.5lb/ft"
Peugeot 306 GTi-6
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Posted 6th Nov 2012 at 20:39

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Post #10
Give them a ring first as last to make sure, if not they will be chasing you for unpaid tax. I sent off a tax disc return form with it marked as sorn, then the car was scrapped. 3 month later they sent me a fine for the car being untaxed. took a few calls to get them to admit it was their mistake.


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Posted 7th Nov 2012 at 15:51

aka JKshooter

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Post #11
stan_306gti6 wrote:
So the question is, how long ago did all this happen? Dunno

jimmyhackers wrote:

my very first pug 306 1.4, was taken away by a scrap man along with what remained of my crashed gti at the start of this year.


  • Senior Test Automation Engineer for the 306GTi6 Owners Club Forum Wizard

  • Posted 7th Nov 2012 at 16:16
    gnrlee Forum Admin

    Location: Leeds

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    Post #12
    why isn't the text backwards,.... and why did he not just use the front camera?


    Proud Member of the ASTOR Owners Club
    Posted 7th Nov 2012 at 16:41

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    Post #13
    gnrlee wrote:
    why isn't the text backwards,.... and why did he not just use the front camera?

    mirror? and the cameras pointing toward the person




    My Rallye project thread
    Posted 7th Nov 2012 at 16:55
    stan_306gti6 Forum Admin

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    Post #14

    In that case then you are still registered as keeping the vehicle. Yes

    You will need to write to the DVLA to explain the situation and show them the confirmation you received from them to say the vehicle had been listed as scrapped. This will prove it's an error on their part. Smile


    "Supercharged - 454.1bhp/317.5lb/ft"
    Peugeot 306 GTi-6
    2000 (X), Moonstone Love
    Posted 8th Nov 2012 at 00:36

    aka JKshooter

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    Post #15
    Yeah, I'd just write them a covering letter saying it's been scrapped at the following facility.

    Did that recently on a car I had which needed a VIC check to get back on the road. I sent off for the V5 so it would be in my name for disposal - but then received a letter saying 'We can't issue a V5C - but we've updated our records with you being the registered keeper' and a VIC form attached.

    I just weighed it in and sent a covering letter saying it wasn't worth repairing and they confirmed I was no longer liable for it. Job done.


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  • Posted 8th Nov 2012 at 10:45

    Seasoned Pro

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    Post #16
    thugpuggin wrote:
    rikky wrote:
    this could ONLY happen to jimmyhackers. nobody else.

    I always think of Jimmy fingers from marked for death whenever I see a post from him.

    your right
    check out my new post about police stalkers Razz


    the world is changed by people in sheds
    Posted 16th Nov 2012 at 00:10

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