Post #78
Update time. Been meaning to do this for a while and as i am sofa bound today ( severe sun burn from fcs )
i thought i would get on with it.
So my low boost gave up and it was decision time.
Chuck another standard lump in and carry on or go high boost?
After a chat and a quote from rich i decided that i would go high boost and i needed to start saving.
So in the mean time i decided to pull my engine out and clean up the engine bay.
I did it a few years ago but not very well and it was rushed so this time i thought i would do it properly.
Now most of the engine bay clean up pics had been taken on my phone which i smashed up 48hours into giving up smoking so they are gone but i have a few from there on.
Before the engine started playing up i stumbled across some corbeau seats on ebay.
Now i had been looking for some recliners as my car is a road car but the standard seats were starting to look s**t.
Anyways i won these puppies on ebay for £70 and they were local. I had already got some sliding subframes that i won locally on ebay a few years before so in the went.
Seats look dirty in the pics but they look new in the flesh.
Had a bit of a brucie as the seats came with some mk1 golf subframes which i flogged to a mate for £40.
Then the engine problems started so i took the head off and lots of other bits and started cleaning up any areas i could.
Bare metaled most of the inner wings, rust treated. Then some acid etch, 4 coats of primmer and 4 coats of peugeot silver. Then 3 coats of lacquer.
Couldnt do much more as the engine was in the way so i went and bought a engine crane and whipped it out.
All pics to this point are gone so i now have pics from my work phone and digital camera.
So with the engine out i could finally get to all the bad places
You can really see here where i done the inner wings before i had got the engine out
Then i set about using every drill attachment wire brush i could buy and i went to work
Beer and coffee kept me going. Oh and makita battery's
***Breaking*** Ph3 Silver
GTI 6 High Boost