User Profile for 6waysforward

Ben Gregory


Benfleet essex

30th Oct 2005 23:34


User Activity

Seasoned Pro


13th Oct 2016 16:17


Visit 6waysforward's website (6waysforward)

Car Details

306 GTi-6

Hayward and scott custom made stainless cat back
Lowered 30mm on b8's and eibachs
OZ Ultraleggera's 16" in anthracite
Renault brembo 310mm pendulum set up
Black masks
Billet flywheel
Helix paddle clutch
Alloy pulley
Rich w headgasket
Omp strut brace
Corbeau recliners
Bosch 044 fuel pump
High Boost :)
That is all........for now.

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