The wheels are all good apart from one! This has a dent on the inside edge and kerbing on the outside rim. The rim has been blown over with some satin black spray and the wheel will balance up so is usable and has been used like it for almost year when the owner damaged. New ones are still available if it bothered you.
The tyres are all only just legal so just good for one track day or a few months. There is 2 Firestone, 1 Pirelli and 1 Yokohama.
Comes with all 16 bolts plus a set of McGuard locking bolts and the centre caps.
These are proper direct Peugeot fitment so no spaces or anything needed
this is the kerbed one
And the bend inside
bolts and caps
£145 the set
Carl Chambersemail;
Peugeot Specialist
Tel; 01379 586101 after 6.30 or 07889 082466 anytime.