1. Only 1 entry per person, your fete lies in your hands!
2. Picture must primarily include a Gti6 or Rallye, and dervs etc will be discovered and deleted, no matter how stealth!
3. No photoshopping or image enhancement, let's keep the playingfield level
4. Must be of good resolution with the file to hand should your image be selected
5. LANDSCAPE aspect ratio
6. No off topic discussion
7. Closing date for entries is the 16th October at 23:59
These rules should avoid arguments and ensure smooth design and print process, thus reducing the cost.
All entries will feature on the front cover of the calendar and the top 12 voted images shall be randomly assigned to months, potentially, if a particularly wintery one gets voted then this may be assigned to a relevant month for obvious reasons...
I shall start another thread for orders, price and size details when I meet with the printers and designers on Saturday.
Team Blaze™Team "Moomin"™
Xbox live "I big al I"
My housemates are idiots..