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Jokes, stories, interior care, exterior care, car polish, car audio, suspension, alloy wheels, induction kit, performance tyres, exhausts, car security, car insurance General
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3,190 67,448 electric 306 conversion? jimmyhackers
13/02/25 15:42
ISP, website, website design, website development, website problems, database design, database development Feedback
Questions for Admin, recommendations ...
242 7,571 Haynes Manual PDF download FAQ antman70
01/05/23 07:15
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A read-only FAQ archive
156 1,259 How To: Master Cylinder rebuild rikky
26/02/24 17:54
Technical Threads Posts Recent Thread Last Post
Interior care, bucket seats, sports seats, roll cage, custom dials, custom interiors, interior retrim, leather interior, custom interior Interior
Lighting, seats, dashboard, tints ...
640 6,989 accelerator pedal cover/rubber? alcon
17/02/25 14:33
Exterior care, peugeot body kits, Autoglym, Meguiars, car polish, car wax, metallic paint, Peugeot Ecosse, Dimma Exterior
Paints, shampoo, polish ...
656 7,995 aero mpg mods? has anyone done a... jimmyhackers
17/02/25 13:15
Alloys, alloy wheels, alloy repair, alloy refurb, tyres, cheap tyres, quality tyres, low profile tyres, performance tyres, replacement tyres Wheels / Tyres
Style, size, offset ...
647 9,054 lancia delta wheels gnrlee
29/03/23 16:37
Car speakers, car stereo, car audio, head unit, sub woofer, Sony car audio, Panasonic car audio, Pioneer car audio, Kenwood car audio, Alpine car audio, Nakamichi car audio I.C.E
Subs, amps, speakers, cabling ...
159 1,544 clarion cd changer (says connect... jimmyhackers
16/11/24 15:57
Brake discs, brake pads, ventilated discs, performance pads, fast-road brakes, brake conversion Brakes
Discs, pads, calipers, hoses, fluid etc ...
950 11,189 front brake slide pin bushes? re... jimmyhackers
24/12/24 18:19
Lowered suspension, lowering kits, lowering springs, Pi springs, Koni, Bilstein, Eibach, performance springs, performance shock absorbers Suspension
Springs, shocks, lowering ...
1,680 19,552 steering wheel play? S8-Tom
24/01/25 14:10
K&N, Green filter, Pipercross filter, induction kit, turbo conversion, supercharger conversion, throttle bodies, camshaft, performance camshaft, Piper cam, Kent cam, forged pistons, nitrous oxide, wizard of nos, NOS, Dastek Unichip, Superchip, Starchip, Powerchip Engines
Cams, turbos, TB's, chips ...
4,292 49,485 Purflux oil filter Joep
08/02/25 10:09
clutch, gearbox, driveshafts Transmission
Clutch / Gearbox / Driveshaft problems ...
946 11,281 clutch pedal ocassional "cl... jimmyhackers
17/02/25 13:49
Stainless steel exhaust, custom exhaust, cat bypass, de-cat, straight through exhaust, Mongoose exhaust, Magnex exhaust, Piper exhaust, Devil exhaust, Sebring exhaust, Scorpion exhaust, Jetex exhaust Exhausts
Manifolds, cats, back boxes ...
414 5,961 Catalytic converter jimmyhackers
09/12/24 13:35
wiring, switches, relays Electrical
Wiring, Switches, Relays etc
1,734 12,882 Brake Light Switch? jimmyhackers
22/01/25 12:31
Project cars, modified cars, ICE installs, ICE projects, engine transplants, engine upgrades, track cars, race cars Projects
Your project cars, engines, bodywork etc
670 54,695 Red GTi6 from Germany (...with L... chrissi1106
07/02/25 12:37
Classified Threads Posts Recent Thread Last Post
Cars for sale, cars wanted, car parts, car adverts, car tuning, tuning parts, scrap yards, car breakers Parts For Sale
Parts for sale
5,197 57,184 1343Z4 coolant hose O-rings S8-Tom
30/01/25 09:32
Cars for sale, cars wanted, car parts, car adverts, second hand Peugeots, used gti, used GTi-6, used Peugeots Cars For Sale
306 GTi-6's & Rallyes For Sale
774 6,349 2000 Peugeot 306 1.8 16V XS The306Life
15/02/25 05:04
Cars for sale, cars wanted, car parts, car adverts, car tuning, tuning parts, scrap yards, car breakers Wanted
Items wanted
4,848 26,349 Cat cams 4903109 or similar cam... hovis16
23/11/24 18:29
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