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Author Subject: clarion cd changer (says connect) HELP!

Seasoned Pro

Location: birmingham

Registered: 14 Jun 2011

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Post #1
been tinkering with my calrion radio.... i dont know the code.

i cant enter any codes. (locked) just 4 dashes and the number buttons do nothing.

the cd changer in boot ejected its case and all that jazz, seemd to work fine.

i took the head unit out and unplugged everything so i could read barcode/serial and hopefully ebay person can give me the proper code.

plugged everything back in.

now the cd changer is dead, no ejection etc.

found on here if you hold the wave button while turning it on, you unlock the unit for a short while..... radio works fine, all buttons too.

however if i try and press the cd changer button the radio says "connect"

i have unplugged and replugged the cd changer cable at both ends several times to no avail and it still doesnt eject its case and the headunit still says "connect"

any ideas?

thanks in advance


the world is changed by people in sheds
Posted 3rd May 2024 at 15:00

Seasoned Pro

Location: birmingham

Registered: 14 Jun 2011

Posts: 1,131

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Post #2

disconnected my battery today to do an ecu reset.

radio doesn't power up anymore. on button does nothing. fuse in back is ok. screen is dark.

right after the ebay guy sends me my code for it. :S

and sods law, now the cd changer in the boots works again, it ejects and cycles through.

this cars fighting me Sad


the world is changed by people in sheds
Posted 4th May 2024 at 20:28

Seasoned Pro

Location: birmingham

Registered: 14 Jun 2011

Posts: 1,131

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Post #3
not sure how or why. but driving out my supermarket today...

the 4 dashes appeared on my radio screen

held the wave button for 10ish seconds.....says enter code.

entered code.....everythings working SWEEEEET.

perhaps the cars saying thanks for filling the gearbox with the correct amount of oil.

either way im happy.


the world is changed by people in sheds
Posted 6th May 2024 at 13:15

Seasoned Pro

Location: birmingham

Registered: 14 Jun 2011

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Post #4
urgh, for the past few weeks its been fine.

a few days ago the volume buttons started playing up, not working or working delayed.

then it was fine for the past few days after.

today the cd changer has gone back to "connect" when i press the cd button on the head unit.
and the eject button on the cd player no longer works. Sad


the world is changed by people in sheds
Posted 31st May 2024 at 20:59

Seasoned Pro

Location: birmingham

Registered: 14 Jun 2011

Posts: 1,131

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Post #5
got the car back from getting its clutch done. so the battery has been unplugged, put in the radio code and the cd changers working/recognised again.

ill see if a battery disconnect fixes the problem if it happens again. but once again, happy


the world is changed by people in sheds
Posted 15th Jun 2024 at 22:48

Seasoned Pro

Location: birmingham

Registered: 14 Jun 2011

Posts: 1,131

Status: Offline

Post #6
thing decided it wanted to turn on by itself and not turn off.

took the unit out and apart. found one of the two connectors for the fascia had come off. resoldered the 8 legs. did the 6 on the other one that was still attached to be sure.

thing works like a charm now.


the world is changed by people in sheds
Posted 31st Aug 2024 at 01:12

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