How to format your posts

You are unable to use HTML to change the appearance of your posts, but there are several 'Forum Codes' you may use instead. The codes currently available are:

  1. Bold: Enclose your text with [b] and [/b]

    Example: This is [b]bold[/b] text. = This is bold text.

  2. Italic: Enclose your text with [i] and [/i]

    Example: This is [i]italic[/i] text. = This is italic text.

  3. Underline: Enclose your text with [u] and [/u]

    Example: This is [u]underline[/u] text. =This is underline text.

  4. Striking Text: Enclose your text with [s] and [/s]

    Example: This is [s]struck[/s] text. =This is struck text.

  5. Bulleted List: Start each point with [bullet]

    Example:[bullet]point one[bullet]point two

    • point one
    • point two
  6. Quote: Enclose your text with [quote] and [/quote].

  7. Images: Enclose the address with [img] and [/img]

    Example: [img][/img]

  8. Links: Enclose the address and the link with [url=https://xxx] and [/url]

    Example: []click here[/url] = click here

  1. Horizontal Rule: Place a horizontal line in your post with [hr]

    Example: [hr] =

  2. Font Colors: Enclose your text with [colour=] and [/colour]

    • [colour=black]Text[/colour] = Text
    • [colour=grey]Text[/colour] = Text
    • [colour=white]Text[/colour] = Text
    • [colour=red]Text[/colour] = Text
    • [colour=purple]Text[/colour] = Text
    • [colour=pink]Text[/colour] = Text
    • [colour=green]Text[/colour] = Text
    • [colour=darkgreen]Text[/colour] = Text
    • [colour=yellow]Text[/colour] = Text
    • [colour=blue]Text[/colour] = Text
    • [colour=darkblue]Text[/colour] = Text
  3. Misc characters:

    • (c) = ©
    • (r) = ®
    • (tm) = ™
  4. Font Sizes:

    • [size=1]Text[/size] = Text
    • [size=2]Text[/size] = Text
    • [size=3]Text[/size] = Text
    • [size=4]Text[/size] = Text

Smileys are small animated faces that can be used to liven up a thread. 'Smiley text' strings are automatically converted into smileys and will be displayed in your forum posts and your private messages.

:alien Alien
:angel Angel
:angry Angry
:ban Ban
:banned Banned
:D Big grin
:birthday Happy Birthday
:blackeye Black Eye
:blah Blah
:blink Blink
:blush Blush
:bored Bored
:cheers Cheers
:clapping Clapping
B) Cool
:confused Confused
:crazy Crazy
:cry Cry
:devil Devil
:doh Doh!
:<< Dry
:dunno Dunno
:erm Erm
:farmer Farmer
:flip Flip
:flowers Flowers
:geek Geek
:guns Guns
:^^ Happy
:hmm Hmm
:huh Huh?
:hyper Hyper
:king King
:lol Laugh
:lmao Laugh my ass off!
:love Love
:meet Meet
:meh Meh
:mellow Mellow
:noangel No angel
:ninja Ninja!
:no No
:nono No No
:phone Phone
:pirate Pirate
:police Police
:P Razz
:rolleyes Roll eyes
:( Sad
:santa Santa
:sheep Sheep
:shifty Shifty
:o Shock
:shutup Shut Up!
:) Smile
:smoke Smoke
:smug Smug
:superman Superman
:teehee Mischief
:thumbsdown Thumbs down
:thumbsup Thumbs up
:tired Tired
:unsure Unsure
:wave Wave
:whistle Whistle
;) Wink
:wizard Wizard
:yes Yes
:zzz Sleep
All times are GMT. The time is now 13:20

The Peugeot GTi-6 & Rallye Owners Club - ©2025 all rights reserved.

Please Note: The views and opinions found herein are those of individuals, and not of The Peugeot 306 GTi-6 & Rallye Owners Club or any individuals involved.
No responsibility is taken or assumed for any comments or statements made on, or in relation to, this website. Please see our updated privacy policy.