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Author Subject: electrical gremlins.....so many are appearing

Seasoned Pro

Location: birmingham

Registered: 14 Jun 2011

Posts: 1,200

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Post #1
1. some times my indicators will just turn on solid when i use them, no flashing, restarting the car usually fixes it.

2. last week my fuel gauge empty light came on and the needle dropped to empty despite having fuel in the tank, next day the thing works fine and has been since.

3. i thought i had a dead battery this morning but its like a relay or a contactor was sticky.

4. today on way home worryingly my speedo has stopped working....tried restarting the car and it worked for all of 10 seconds again
and now its just dead.... restarting the car will not help.

a quick search on here and ive come up with maybe an earthing issue for the speedo.....?
just wondering if this can be a cause the other three?


the world is changed by people in sheds
Posted 10th Mar 2025 at 15:52

Seasoned Pro

Location: birmingham

Registered: 14 Jun 2011

Posts: 1,200

Status: Offline

Post #2
wasn't the earths....so i guess its the vss. (for the speedo issue anyways)

had a little read through past threads about it going dicky and i have similar symptoms...it did cut out a few times in the past few days like an icv problem but its not that (cleaned)..and releasing the throttle pedal will make the engine jolt. the speedo worked this morning for all of 3 minutes, stopped for ten or so then worked again.....same on way home.

a new vss is ordered and i have the fun of fitting it when it gets here.


the world is changed by people in sheds
Posted 11th Mar 2025 at 19:15

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