Post #4
toight as a tiger.....
went and got a wheel alignment done today. maybe some data will illuminate things.
before was....
overall front toe -0.51, LH toe -0.28, RH toe -0.23
LH front camber -0.19, RH front camber -0.46
rear toe, LH +0.01, RH 0.00
rear camber LH -1.17, RH -1.28
caster difference 0.51, LH bar is 100%, RH bar is at 49%
after adjustment
overall front toe +0.20, LH +0.10, RH +0.10
LH front camber -0.41, RH front camber -0.27
all the rear values and caster remain unchanged.
i find it weird my front camber values have essentially swapped sides after only a minimal adjustment to the track rods, ideas or thoughts about this?
also the rear camber difference...the side that is lower has 0.11 more/less. does rear camber increase/decrease the lower you set the rear suspension, or is this a sign of a worn torsion bar swing arm bushing or something else broken?
i mentioned the rear suspension height difference to the mechanic saying after i fix that ill have to come back and get it done again. His opinion seemed to be, it wont matter and save yourself some money. again, thoughts?
thanks for the help

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