first of all, great to be here, as your forum has helped me the past months tremendously with my research and realisation, in what the f. I've gotten into.

Little about me:
My name is Chrissi, from Germany and I am coming with a very troubled french past.

Long Story not so short, I found a Vallelunga red 2000 ph3 GTi6 a few hundred kilometers away fairly cheap to look at the same weekend, with the intention of flipping her relatively fast. So studied practically the whole forum, forgot everything the day I got there and bought her anyway. She was/is very sorry for herself, as all the paint is fading, resprays everywhere, slammed on cheapo coilovers with an already ruined replacement rear axle, repaired rear quarterpanel damage, parking scrapes, hanging exhaust, ripped seats, rust on/in bootfloor, under ABS module... yeah, the lot. And I'm missing a few things propably. //As I am editing this, the last owner documented his work on instagram. Found a tag in the boot. Oh Boi. What a mess he left me with.//
So the next weekend I brought her home (thats getting important soon) and startet immediatly with a wash and then tearing her down. Stripped the whole interior, rear axle, tank, front subframe, suspension, engine and gearbox. After that, got her to a befriended workshop/my peugeot dealer to get the bootflor welded. Shortly after I tripped down to Sochaux to get a sh.load of parts. (i think it got outta control there)
In the meantime I got some additional paperwork from the seller, and was pleasently suprised as I red, that the car was first registered only a few miles away from my hometown.
When I went to pick the car up, the head of garage (? master in germany

If you all made it THIS far (sorry I cant be helped) I shortly summarize what has been done/bought:
- engine bay, front wheelwell, middle tunnel derusted and painted
- bootfloor and rear wheelwells derusted and partly pained
- bought an citroen zx diesel subframe without rust (but much oil on it

- gearbox seals and clutch arm bearings, valeo clutch
- rear main seal, cambelt wip due to slipped pulley
- bought a metric s**tton of various parts (oe cambelt kit, rear axle, bilsteins, fasteners, seals, bushes, rallye fog blanks etc)
yeah... thats it. I massively underestimated the rust removal, as I have practical 0 expierence and cant be asked to progress on that in the cold. But getting there. The plan is to just get her back on the road. A nice backroad/daily/classic. The last 3 door 306 I saw on german streets must been a whole eternity back. Only cabriolets here.
first impressions

Oh her way back home

Presents from me to me from Sochaux

First wash, last time in one piece for a while

Engine went out fairly easy tbh, much more worse to get a 2L EW out of a 206

Rust on both sides, signs of damage

typical abs module and wheelwell rust

bootfloor welded up

rear right windows sat so low it scrapes, same on maxi in museum though

de-rusted (csd wheels, rostio gel), seam sealed and primed

finished (except 2 holes passenger side, needs to be welded later)

engine bay finished

rear wheelwells derusted (and seam sealed meanwhile aswell)

middle tunnel finished (except for ripped off heatshield studs, think i am going rivnuts here)

gearbox split, first clutch safe, dead af

cleaning the fork

finally new parts going onto the car

not the first cambelt but old at best

Please have a little bit patience with me, as I will add pictures bit by bit.
Dont except daily updates, due to the place where I work on the car is an hour away. But I will update regulary.
Thanks for the read.
