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Author Subject: Engine


Location: Pontypool

Registered: 07 Mar 2023

Posts: 24

Status: Offline

Post #1
Hi, today was a absolute f**k up!! Over the last 6 months I've been doing what I can with my 6 as life, weather and other things always get in the way as we all know.. Ive gone from a recon head purchased from autotech which turned out to be trash because it was bent and my cams nearly seized so head went back. The head that came of the engine originally I thought was knackered was saved thank god.. It needed welding, skimming and so on. Changed big end bearings with care, measurements were taken and all was good. All internals were replaced in the head and it was all back together, New oil pump cambelt kit and every thing that leaves you skint but it's worth it. Today engine was all timed up it had fresh oil, coolant etc. As I was checking everything I took plugs out disconnected fuel relay to prime engine with oil.. Then my old girl rang me which side tracked me which made me prime the f**king engine while the timing pin was still in the crank PULLEY! F**K!! I'm absolutely heart broken!! What a f**king idiot!! When I checked the cams they had shifted about 100 degrees but crank pulley was still held by the pin?? Given the timing belt is driven by crank it didn't make sense unless I'm being stupid?? I took the pulley off and had to move it to fit it it's place on the key and the weird thing is that when I timed the engine back up all timing holes lined up?? The belt was torn a bit and crank sprocket looked OK. So most probs unseen damage somewhere F**K KNOWS!! Sorry to give you all my life story but had to share because I'm absolutely gutted!! Carnt look at it till next weekend as life is knocking at the door. 😂😂😭😭😭😭


C. Hughes
Posted 31st Jan 2025 at 17:48


Location: Võru

Registered: 18 Jun 2008

Posts: 11

Status: Offline

Post #2
I feel you, man! Big grin


To start, press ANYKEY!
Posted 2nd Feb 2025 at 09:54


Location: Cologne

Registered: 09 Nov 2015

Posts: 392

Status: Offline

Post #3
Sounds llke you used the original crank pulley with the rubber bonding? As far as I can think of, a solid pulley (which you should use for timing up the engine if you don't know for sure that your rubber one hasn't shifted!) should keep the crank in place or break the timing pin on the crank pulley if you try to start. If you used the original pulley, the timing pin will have held the rubber in place but the inner part of it which sits on the crank will have shifted relative to the rubber. There is no other possibility the cams could have shifted other than starter -> crank -> timing belt -> cam. Therefore I guess there is no damage done. Just don't try anything unless you are sure your crank pulley has it's timing hole in the right position and hasn't shifted! Hope I didn't write any bulls**t.
Posted 3rd Feb 2025 at 21:41

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