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Author Subject: Shaking clutch when slide it


Location: Nyíregyháza

Registered: 12 Mar 2019

Posts: 4

Status: Offline

Post #1

The full clutch set has already been replaced three times and every time after a bit later the clutch starts shaking. The pedal never shakes, but the body shakes as the disc is wavy. It only shakes until I start and slide it. When installing each new set, the problem disappears for a while. Engine mounts are new, but this is the new Febi mounts it seems soft. It already had a Valeo, QWP and Luk clutch set. The flywheel was also replaced with a lightened steel one and again the stock one. I had it to flat on lathe machine. But that didn't help either.
Do you have any ideas?
Posted 29th May 2024 at 13:08

Seasoned Pro

Location: birmingham

Registered: 14 Jun 2011

Posts: 1,134

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Post #2
Have you replaced your gearbox mount under the battery box?
An old/worn one of these can generate a lot of judder during "Takeoff".

Also check the gap/gaps either side of your top engine mount. the two pyramid rubbers points should be touching the metal bodywork/cradle either side.

an air gap can form over time as the rubber shrinks.....also the metal cradle will widen over time. this gap will allow the engine to jump/judder back and forth.

this can be rectified with a wooden stick/pole as a punch and a hefty hammer, hit the metal cradle until there is no air gap between the rubber pyramids and the metal cradle.

you can also fill the air gap with something like lino sheet if you dont feel like getting all caveman on your 306.


the world is changed by people in sheds
Posted 17th Aug 2024 at 21:25

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