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Author Subject: GTi6, 1.8 16V or 2.0 XSi?



Registered: 27 Mar 2024

Posts: 1

Status: Offline

Post #1
Hey guys,
I am currently looking into buying a 306 with a 16 valve engine. From what I 've seen there are 3 options to choose from, its either an XU7JP4, XU10J4R and the XU10J4RS. Some people have told me that the XU7 is easier to modify so i ran into some thinking. Could the XU7 come close to the gti's power without having a lot of trouble and money thrown into it? Or should i just stick to finding a good bargain for a gti and be done with it?
Posted 27th Mar 2024 at 14:35


Location: Chichester

Registered: 02 Feb 2018

Posts: 339

Status: Offline

Posted 28th Mar 2024 at 14:06

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