Servicebox lists tho different options for the setup on ph1 cars. Other is branded ECIA and the other is GATE. Also the shroud has a different part number. Here is a quick recap on the parts numbers from Servicebox:
-ECIA shroud 1308 H4
-ECIA fan motor 200w 1253 33
-ECIA fan blades 1254 67
-GATE shroud 1308 N9 (NFP)
-GATE fanmotor 200w 1253 66 (NFP)
-GATE fan blades 1254 70
Both fans with motors are available as non-original parts and quite reasonably too. Not wanting to buy the whole shroud with fans I am just curious are they interchangeable or do I need to get the same "brand-type" I had before?
The reason I am replacing both is because the other one is failing - it wobbles around at full speed and makes a horrible noise. Replacing both now saves hassle from the future and I don't need to worry about them for the next 10-15 years as I plan to keep the car forever.