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Author Subject: Gearstick broke off...


Location: bristol

Registered: 02 May 2016

Posts: 173

Status: Offline

Post #1
Hey Guys,

Was driving the Rallye out to a friends house earlier and just as I went to change gear my Gearstick fell off Blush
It was still in 3rd so I limped it the rest of the way without stopping, and used a screwdriver slid into the shaft to get me home...

It seems to have broken just at the point above the plastic ball, so I think I need a completely new shaft?? LOL
Anyone know where I can get one / if this is NFP?

I've managed to track a part number down to: 2400A5
but Servicebox is charging now... bas**rds...

Its a hollow shaft, with an ID of 7.5mm... pretty close to M8. I might try and Tap both ends and join with a bit of threaded bar... unless anyone else has any better options? hahaha

Cheers guys
Posted 31st Aug 2020 at 22:00

Seasoned Pro

Location: Great Hockham

Registered: 28 May 2013

Posts: 1,592

Status: Offline

Post #2
If you get stuck I have a gear stick I can do for £30 inc del.


1998 Supercharged White Rallye
1992 205 GTi6
205 Turbo 340bhp
Posted 31st Aug 2020 at 22:49


Location: bristol

Registered: 02 May 2016

Posts: 173

Status: Offline

Post #3
Oh Dude i'll take that Deal Big grin

I'll drop you a PM
Posted 31st Aug 2020 at 23:15

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