I thought that may be the problem is that the fans actually stops the natural airflow on higher speeds.
So I removed them completely (the whole frame with fans) and exposed the radiator on direct air. I put a single slim fan ~10inches / 80W behind the radiator connected to "suck" air.
The situation got worst. When the car is standing still and engine running idle the new fan were unable to maintain the temperature. Also when racing on slow tracks there were massive overheating due to low speed and high engine load. Only on higher speed straights there were positive cooling effect.
I experimented with some obstacles around the radiator to help directing the front air only through radiator. This helped a bit, but not satisfying.
One more thing to mention - my radiator is not original (two years ago it got broken). Currently it's alloy cheap brand made in China.
So I need some advises.
Should I go for another more powerful slim fan from behind? Should I look for original radiator? Should I revert to original setup... And what more I can do cool the engine