Post #1
Thanks to no longer having any arch liners I suspect my Bitron unit has received a good soaking and is causing all sorts of bother. Fans not coming on at all, flashing 'STOP' light on the dash when it's wet etc. So I'm going to replace it and try and waterproof it a little too.Where will I find this bitron unit? I know it's on the passenger wing but is it accessed from the bonnet side or the wheel arch? What does it look like? if I walk into a Pug dealers and ask for a Bitron unit for a GTi-6 will the parts guy look at me blankly or know what I want? Are they universal and easy to replace?
While I'm here I want to check if my fans do work and if it's just the bitron or if the fans are faulty. i keep hearing about a brown connector on top of the fans but I had a (very) brief look and couldn't see any brown connectors under the bonnet. Don't say 'on top' as I've looked. in case it matters it's a phase 2.5.
Does the Bitron have anything to do with the central locking? The drivers door seems to have a mind of it's own and sometiems works, others not. it stopped working for about a month, worked for a day, didn't for 3 days or so, then worked once then stopped working so I need to use the key. Tis (I hope) should be just a solenoid on the drivers door and 'easily' replaced by taking the door card off? Is there a door card removal guide in the FAQ?