Post #1
Recently my stop light has been flickering on and off and i've been having some odd fans issues, including fans staying on after ignition has been turned off (when the temperature is no where near up) and fans not turning off after i replug in the brown temperature plug. Now i know i've always had an electrical issue with this car ever since i bought it and the fans initially didnt work at all. I had them sorted out and was told that the wiring down there was a bit of a mess. So this evening i decided to investigate and found this.You can see the orange wire broken away. Where was the other end you might ask. Well it appeared to have been fixed underneath a bolt head, a quick fix i feel.
I grafted a length of wire on, freed up the other end and put it all back together.
EDIT - this is the pre assembly photo
When i put the battery positive terminal back on i knew that i'd sorted something fairly major as it produced a really nice healthly spark, something that i'd never had before and always wondered about.
Went to start the car, which is normally a little sluggish and it burst right into life
even the electric windows feel like they're supercharged now!
and the fan issue is all sorted, not bad for 30 mins of pretending to know what im doing.
"We never have any near misses, we hit them every time!"clicky code for my benefit
[ url=]My link[/url ]