So far I've removed my bumper to get to the connector at the radiator, found a fair amount of corrosion in the connector which obviously doesn't help my case, but upon testing the light still comes on. The reason I suspect its related to the fans and their wiring loom is that my fans turn on long before my thermostat opens. I cant remember them doing that before but then again I've never looked for it.
I've found my spare thermostat housing with all three sensors in it, and I'm presuming my next step in fault searching will be to swap one, or all of them, and see if the light stops and my fans stay off slightly longer.
What else could cause this light to come on? Known bad earth point? Relays? Etc?
I checked the oil level first thing, but that's just under max, and if I'm not entirely wrong you should be able to detect low oil pressure by the sound of the engine. And the fact it still runs fine after driving me from Heathrow to Warwickshire...