Post #36
They are easy to make your self but i would only use stainless steel fittings on braided brake lines.
Never Use Aluminium Fittings On Braking Systems
Some people sell aluminium brake line fittings for brake hoses. Not only is this a dangerous practice but you will also notice that they are normally sold with a 'for race use only' label as a possible legal get out clause for the company involved.
Never use aluminium fittings on brake lines - Why? When two metals with different electromotive force are placed together and are subjected to an electrically conductive fluid, 'electrolytic' corrosion takes place.
Electrolytic corrosion works on the same principles as a battery. Two metals, an anode and a cathode, are placed in fluid and an electrical reaction takes place which results in the softer metal being eroded due to electrolytic corrosion. Once these conditions are met, a "corrosion cell" is created, an electrical current will flow and metal will be consumed at the anode. The only way to remove this corrosion is by using metals of the same electromotive force (EMF).
Costs a bit more but it is worth it in the long run.
This does not only apply to brake lines any types of disimilar metals that have direct contact with each other cause corrosion! Fact!