i hope you do understand my englisch (i'm from holland and written englisch isn't my best thing)
i have a 306 gti-6, a couple months ago my engine started to make a rateling noise.
at that point i started with replacing the bearings of the pins that drive the pistons throuw the cilinders (don't know how they are calt in englisch), and i replact the hydraulics who link the cams with the valves..
in the first 5 kilometers i heard a light tape but after like 10 km te rateling sound came back,
and after like 8 km de engine stoped and would not start, so i got thowed away, i tried to start op by letting te clutch go in 2nd gear but nothing happend (i heard the pistons go round but that was it, not even a ratel)
can sombody help???
how did i get here, well somebody ho is helping me (at a dutch forum) gave me this link, he told me here would be somebody who had an awnser...