A) Take my engine out, take pistons out, get them cut and any other work done, and put back in.
B ) Buy some 2nd hand OE pistons get them cut and then take engine out get all work done and put engine back in.
C) Buy a 2nd engine and get all work done and then put into car, sell 1st engine.
I know they are all pretty similar, the main thing I want to avoid is the car and engine sitting around doing nothing, and me getting sick of the project, which I know happens to a lot of people because the spec tends to grow and grow and take longer and longer.
Also, im thinking that if I buy a 2nd hand set of pistons they might not fit the bores properly.
2nd hand engine – its an unknown quantity – may be issues with it, but at least allows all work to be done first and then a quick swap.