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Author Subject: Speedo problems....


Location: herts

Registered: 28 Mar 2009

Posts: 6

Status: Offline

Post #1

I been having some probs with my speedo over the last few weeks. Randomly one day my speedo went past 140, and stayed there. I played with a few fuses and only managed to set off the alarm!

The car battery has being dying for a while as the car does not get much use - and quite often when it starts the clocks do a full sweep, and the digi clock resets.

So when batt died completely a few days ago I jumped it, and when the jump leads were connected, and i switched the ignition on the speedo went back to zero, and worked perfectly whilst i drove the car to charge the battery. But the next time I drove it the speedo went back to 140+ and stayed.

Yesterday I got a new battery, and when swapped it the speedo went back to normal, working perfectly whilst I drove home. Then today I drove it and in the first 2 mins of driving the speedo slowly "ticked" like a second hand upto 140+ and stayed there whilst i drove for about 30-40mins, then the speedo randomly started working but over reading by 90mph! So I stopped and switched the car off, and back on and the speedo worked fine for the next 20 mins until i parked. But, next time i started the car the speedo ticked back upto 140+ again!!!!!!

I was hoping that the issue was in some way connected with duff battery, but I guess not.

I'm not great with electrics, so not really sure where to start. I am assuming (probably completly incorrectly!) if the speedo was getting no signal or poor earth etc it would drop to nil, so Im thinking the speed sensor on the 'box is the place to start?!? Also when the speedo is stuck, it stays there even when the car is switched off? Is there anything else I should be checking??

Any help much appricated, before I get done for speeding!!!


Posted 18th Mar 2010 at 23:51


Location: Peterborough

Registered: 04 Jun 2008

Posts: 320

Status: Offline

Post #2
sounds like it could be the speedo sensor in housing on the gearbox


Posted 19th Mar 2010 at 00:33

Seasoned Pro

Location: Leeds

Registered: 26 Dec 2005

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Post #3
I would look at your battery. that can cause some of the issues you have mentioned. If it is on its way out it will send the electrics a bit mental.


Ex SC-6

Now in a Megane R26
Posted 19th Mar 2010 at 02:00

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