Post #1
Hi All,After a bit of advice really. The other day on my way home from work I didnt see a gigantic pot hole and my nearside front wheel went straight down into it, straight after that happened my engine stuttered a little but then picked up and carried on as normal. I travelled the 10 mile or so journey back to my girlfriends place all ok and parked up the car. When I went to go out about 15 minutes later the car was really vibrating when I fired it up and I seemed to have lost all the power but I soldiered on and travelled the 10 mile journey to where I was going and 10 mile journey back taking it easy the whole way as everytime I accelerated the car would shake alot. I looked on here on my phone last night and worked out it might be the driveshaft/s. Planned to take the car to the garage at lunch to get it checked out but I drove it to the shop first to get lunch and it seemed to have stopped doing it? Is there a chance the pot hole popped it out of place then something popped it back in? Should I still get everything checked out?
Sorry for the essay!