Hi All,
I've got an oil leak on my car, it's coming from the flywhhel end of the crank.
The oil seal was replaced just before Christmas. Yesterday when I replaced the clutch I noticed a little oil coming from one of the flywheel bolt holes. I wasn't worried at the time as I was replacing the flywheel bolts and presumesd this would fix it.
I was wrong.
It seems worse than ever. The leak didn't look to be coming from the oil seal itself and it now has new bolts. So what the hell is going on? I'm getting a patch of oil on the drive evertime I park up about 2 - 3 cm in diameter.
I've got no issues with stripping it down again (got it down to about 5 hours now to strip/rebulid!!) but I don't know what to do with it when I do!
Any ideas?