Post #1
Hiya everyoneThis may be of help to somebody if they have the same problem/symptoms. Ill try to keep it in English and try to make sence.
Basically if you go to your car and the central locking dosnt work, coupled together with a non-working :-oil gauge, temp gauge, fuel gauge and you find it wont fire but turn over.
Replace the Pug 5Amp fuse F6 with a 10Amp fuse, the Haynes says it should be a 10Amp in there anyways.
I have had no further problems a week later and a very knowledgeable friend, whos shit hot on his 306's did this years ago as he had the same symptoms
Car:-Phase 3 306 GTi-6 99 T-Plate
"Gotta Love The 6"According to my wife i think the 6 is the fastest car in the world, perhaps she is right LoL !