I picked it up from Welshpug on a friday night, I convinced my dad to come with me and drive it back. He wasnt too happy about it as he'd not long got back from work and has hated driving all the 306's i've owned before, but after getting it home he said he quite liked it, it would've been a shame to break it but he wouldnt sell his mx-5 for one.
Anyway, I gave it a good sponge bath on the Saturday and had a really good look over it, few dents in the doors, scuffs on the bumpers, it needs some new decals and has a broken mirror cover but that can all be sorted.

Then I got it up on the ramp for a look underneath, bit of rust coming in in the usual places, holes in the center exhaust, and a leaky rear crank oil seal is about all i could find.

On the plus side the rear beam looks like new. I was told it had been rebuilt with all pug bits and it does look good, the calipers both look newish too, the wheels are mint with good tyres and in general the car does look great, I'm very pleased with it.

Plans are to pull the engine, respray the engine bay and the full floor, fix all the little bits and bobs and then get the polish out on it. This will be when the weather improves tho, so until then It's under a cover I bought for the track car in the corner of the shed with a very dusty Gti-6 to keep it company.

I know a few members on here have owned and seen it about so feel free to add any pics and info about the car so i can put together some history on it. Thanks
My GTi6 track projectWhite Rallye project