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Author Subject: Goldie the track car

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Location: DoncastAAAAARGH

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Post #1
[I'm slowly going to get all the photo's in this thread back on track over the coming weeks as and when i find time. No thanks to Photobucket for this massive inconvenience. I've not gone and uploaded every single photo to flickr like i had on photobucket, and as i'm going though i'm just going to delete any text or parts which i havent got the photos uploaded for, so the thread may not flow as well as it once did. Apologies for that. LOL]

I thought i'd start a project thread on my blaze gti6 that i bought a couple of weeks ago with the intention of turning it into a track car.

I caught the contagious trackday bug a while ago and it just seems to be getting worse and worse so i wanted to get a dedicated car so i could keep my diablo a sensible daily driver.

After a bit of saving up i decided to go for a non runner as they are cheaper and it saves one from being broken for spares.

Here it is:
IMG_0322 by Steve Count, on Flickr
The problem; headgasket failure.
(Amongst other things like being too low and blaze LOL)

The worrying thing is that this was someones 'fix' to stop the coolant from coming out of the overflow pipe:
IMG_0436 by Steve Count, on Flickr
Roll eyes Doh

I think i might have found the reason for the HG failure.

Anywho, back to the stripping, i got most of the interior out, spare wheel and carrier off, radiator and air conditioning radiator off, battery box and ecu off, exhaust off and my KW V2's on:

The car has been a bit unloved in the past with a few bodge job fixes, hopefully all that is going to get resolved over the coming years.

I still have a load of goodies in my room waiting for fitment, mostly suspension related and a billet flywheel.

I'm renting Fletch's engine crane this weekend all being well so will whip the engine out to make working on it easier and allow me to spruce up the engine bay.
I think i might re-paint the bay matt black and the engine orange.

I have to say a big thank you to birk for helping me get the car home.


Goldie the track car.
Posted 11th Aug 2017 at 14:30

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Post #2
if you need any help on weekend im free


clio r27
ps3 id:cooperkloe

Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 01:08

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Post #3
Cheers mate, i'll let you know if i need a hand.
I'm out in sheffield on friday so i cant see much being done on saturday.


Goldie the track car.
Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 01:10

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Post #4
couldve borrowed my engine crane for nowt pal!


1997 P1 Gti 6 Charged
Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 01:16

Capt Pedantic

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Post #5
its already had a rear ¼ panel then LOL


need a part number? get on here - http://public.servicebox.peugeot.com

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Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 01:23

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Post #6
prism7guy wrote:
Cheers mate, i'll let you know if i need a hand.
I'm out in sheffield on friday so i cant see much being done on saturday.

where abouts matey as im out that night Smile


Team allesclar ®

Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 01:31

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Post #7
good start btw LOL


Team allesclar ®

Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 01:31

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Post #8
Could have borrowed mine aswell steve LOL

Could also borrow me if you need a hand, you know i know them like the back of my hand Smile


Dimma + Gt35 turbo = Ninja
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Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 01:34

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Post #9
birk wrote:
Could have borrowed mine aswell steve LOL

Could also borrow me if you need a hand, you know i know them like the back of my hand Smile

especially around the engine area LOL


Team allesclar ®

Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 01:53

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Post #10
Thanks for the engine crane offers guys, yeah its a Cat D mei, seems to have had a new roof too as its black underneath and has a sticker with 2001 written on it. I think the aerial leaks as the roof lining was soaking and the carpets were too.

I'm not sure where i'll be on friday Adam, probably here there and everywhere, if i see you i'll come over to say hi, although i'm terrible at recognising people and remembering names. Look out for me dressed as batman Ninja LOL

One little thing i would just like to confirm before the weekend, if i take the driveshafts out am i ok to put the wheels back on and wheel the shell about?


Goldie the track car.
Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 02:24

aka Jim Davey

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Post #11
Yes, just be prepared to drain the gearbox of oil first. Also you will need a 32mm? socket and a mahoosive breaker bar to get the hub nuts off. Best bet is to have a mate inside on the brakes to stop the wheel turning as you try to undo the nuts.


R H Davey Welding Supplies. I sell new and used welding equipment in the Hampshire area. I take on welding jobs in the evenings, ally casting repairs are one of my specialities but I can weld pretty much anything. PM me with your requirements.

Some of my services: (See my for sale threads)
Engine mount/chassis repair
Harness bars
Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 02:31

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Post #12
Yea, but the dont be moving it far with the engine in, might f*ck the bearings up.


Dimma + Gt35 turbo = Ninja
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Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 02:32

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Post #13
35mm nut for the front hubs, 32mm for the rear - big breaker (scaffolding tube) usually required to move them Thumbs up


1997 Black GTi6
smithers205 at hotmail.com
Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 03:17

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Post #14
I still have my 32mm socket from my last clutch change and bought a massive breaker bar for myself after realising how bloody tight / seized the nuts get.
If i get chance tonight i'll double check that its a 32mm not as i dont have a 35mm socket.


Goldie the track car.
Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 10:58

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Post #15
35mm for the fronts, but a 36mm works fine. Mine came undone without any scaffold tubes. Just a breaker bar with an extension resting on an axle stand to prevent droop. Stamp on the end of the bar = hub nut comes undone.

If you think the Pug ones are bad don't ever try a Rover one. Shock


I'm Si btw Tee hee

Night Blue VW Golf GTD
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Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 12:35

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Post #16
Ive got a 36mm you can borrow steve


Dimma + Gt35 turbo = Ninja
Solid rear beam mounts £130
Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 13:59

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Post #17
I've just been and checked my socket and its 36mm so i should be all good for getting the driveshafts out, thanks for offering to lend me yours Birk.

I forgot to mention in the first post but i would just like to say thanks to Birk for helping me get the car back Thumbs up


Goldie the track car.
Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 22:15

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Post #18
You should deff edit the 1st post and give me lots and lots of praise lol


Dimma + Gt35 turbo = Ninja
Solid rear beam mounts £130
Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 22:27

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Post #19
Added Wizard LOL


Goldie the track car.
Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 22:39

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Post #20
I do hope this is ready for the ring in June Steve.

Also i think your progress this weekend will be near enough zero as I can't see either of us being awake until at least the afternoon Smile

Adam were starting on eccy road then hitting west street look out for a big group of cnuts dressed as superheros Laugh


Team Astor Grey Supercharged GTI 6

Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 23:10

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Post #21
I've been checking my finances rob and its going to be tight but if i keep on cramming in as much overtime as possible i should have a healthy running engine, decent brakes and some pretty trick suspension, its just frustrating having to wait for payday each week LOL

I think saturday will just be preparing the car for the engine out then sunday i will get it out as early as possible so i can start cleaning the bay and removing the rest of the air conditioning stuff.


Goldie the track car.
Posted 26th Jan 2011 at 23:16

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Post #22
I got a bit more done on the car today, I've been preparing the engine ready for removal tomorrow.
Due to a fair bit of alcohol consumption and a quite late night last night i didnt get a massive amount done, nor was i very efficient at what i was doing, but im pretty much there.

I have been using the engine removal guide by bud_205, very helpful, thanks. Thumbs up

I was struggling to get the driveshaft nuts off, i had help from rob (rwgti) pressing the brake pedal whilst i was swinging from my breaker bar but the discs were just spinning.
After a bit of thought we decided to try pushing a bolt down a vein in the disc and resting it against the caliper carrier, then rob pressing the brake pedal whilst i stamped on the breaker bar. This idea worked a treat, i have no intention of using the discs again and if we had broke a carrier they dont seem to be in short supply.

I had an issue trying to undo one of the 11mm nuts which hold the offside driveshaft inside the lower engine mount, the bugger rounded off when using a 11mm ring spanner and its too awkward to get to with anything else so my plan is to remove the bolt through the engine mount, then undo the bolts holding the mount to the engine so i can remove that driveshaft with the mount and get it off when its off the car, but obviously i need to wait for the engine crane to help support the engine weight.

I'm pretty much ready to just undo the engine mounts and lift it out, the only things i didnt get time to do were undo the reverse cable (it was dark by the time i had got round to this and couldnt see where it was), and i couldnt see the black box in the drivers side wing which is meant to be connected up to the inlet system.

Hopefully i can get these sorted out tomorrow when its light and finally get the engine out and the bay cleaned up.

I'll put the pictures up tomorrow evening if i get time.


Goldie the track car.
Posted 30th Jan 2011 at 06:28


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Post #23
I could give you a hand with this steve if you need any help, whenever I'm not working that is.
Posted 30th Jan 2011 at 07:41

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Post #24
Cheers for the offer Luke Thumbs up

A bit of an update, Matt (cooper666) came round on sunday to pick up the spare wheel from the car and ended up stopping about 6 hours chatting and helping get the engine out. Massive thanks for this, i probably wouldnt have got the engine out until late in the evening if at all on my own.

As i mentioned earlier i managed to round one of the 11mm nuts holding the intermediate bearing in place, not to worry though, the gator round the cv joint was all split so we just pulled the driveshaft out and left the intermediate shaft attached to the engine.

We made sure that it was just the engine mounts holding the engine in and hooked up Fletch's engine crane, undid the mounts then decided that it would be much easier to remove the fan shroud, slam panel, bumper etc and just pull the engine out of the front. (We weren't using a load leveller so changing the engine angle wasn't so easy).

Here is the engine out:
IMG_0708 by Steve Count, on Flickr

Before i started stripping the car it had epic wobble, i think we have found the cause:
IMG_0881 by Steve Count, on Flickr
I think that one of the very few pieces of service history i have for the car is for this 'repair', i might have to dig it out and name and shame the place that did it LOL

I'll be grinding that out and fitting one of daveyboy's in due course.

My biggest priority at the moment is to get the engine sorted and tidy up the rust patches in the engine bay.

For the engine i think i'm going to fit some of Rich W's upgraded mains and big end bearings, uprated headgasket and replace all gaskets / seals etc. I want a bulletproof engine.

We noticed a few bits on the engine which needed replacing like the metal coolant tube which runs along the back of the block under the exhaust manifold as its rusting through.

We checked the cambelt, it was quite loose.
Luckily the engine didnt tap before the removal, although i do have 16 spare good valves incase i mess anything up when rebuilding it LOL


Goldie the track car.
Posted 11th Aug 2017 at 14:29

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Post #25
you doing anything on this this weekend? got them few parts to drop of and them core plugs.


clio r27
ps3 id:cooperkloe

Posted 5th Feb 2011 at 00:58

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